Question Worth the money to upgrade R5 2600 to R7 3700x?


Aug 12, 2019
Hello. I have saved up enough money to buy a high end CPU but the thing is, i dont know if it would be worth the upgrade. For now all i have is a Ryzen 5 2600 paired with a RX 5700 XT with 16 gb of RAM running at 2400 (won't change that).

Lately i don't really play much, if so i play red dead or league of legends. I always like to play my games maxed out but for some reason my CPU is holding me back in most of them, like green hell, blair witch, greedfall, etc. Sometimes the game goes from, idk, 70 FPS to 40-30 and then it gets back to 60-70 but the spike is really annoying and noticeable, plus it's something constant.

If the money investment is worth in your opinion i will buy it with a X570 motherboard (if that's the correct chipset). Otherwise i'm open to new suggestions, even intel ones.

Basically, i want something that will last for some years without any issues.

Thank you guys in advance

EDIT: I'm not planning to overclock at all, if so, maybe just a little if it's worth the power investment, otherwise i will stay with the default cooler (if there's one).
Not worth it to change cpu. You aren't running any OC, you have sub-par ram and no desire to upgrade that. So right now you aren't utilizing your current cpu to its full ability. Moving up just means spending more money to put you right where you are now.
Not worth it to change cpu. You aren't running any OC, you have sub-par ram and no desire to upgrade that. So right now you aren't utilizing your current cpu to its full ability. Moving up just means spending more money to put you right where you are now.
If i overclock my current CPU or not, i do not notice a difference. At least while gaming.
That's because with 2400MHz ram, you are missing @ 20% performance. To get the most out of that Ryzen on B450 or lower motherboard, you will need to be using 3000/14 or 3200/16. Staying with 2400 and moving to a 3700x which benefits the most from 3600/3733. Your overall performance wouldn't change much at all, if any, because single core performance will suffer.
Also, going to an i5 9600 you'll only get 6 cores and no hyperthreading. So you'll cut down your available power. My local Microcenter just had recently 16gb of ram for under 50 dollars. You can't touch the full upgrade you're talking about for that.

As far as upgrading the CPU, stay with what you have. I have a ryzen 7 1700x. My plan is to possibly overclock and stay put until the Zen 3 chips are out then probably upgrade at that time and be set until the next socket.
What about any intel CPU? Those do not seem to need lot of RAM frequency to work properly. For example, i have in mind the i5 9600k
I agree with @Afro_ninja199. Why don't you wanna listen to an expert? You ask for help and everyone is trying to tell you that you have to upgrade the ram first, to notice a bump in performance. And why in the world would you wanna "upgrade" to an i5 9600k, while you have a ryzen 5 2600? That would cost you a lot more money than upgrading just your ram(same goes for the 3700x). Don't be stubborn and listen to what the others told you.
In that case, what RAM kits would you guys recommend? That sounds like the best option instead of that expensive upgrade.

PD: i have a b350 motherboard, not b450, i think the maximum speed that i can run is at 3000mhz
Your 2xxx series proc is "looking for" 2933 RAM speeds. The 3xxx series will be looking for higher for optimal performance.
With that said, I would ask what resolution and frame rate you are currently gaming at, and what your expectations are from said upgrade...IE. you mention not gaming much, and only League of Legends which isn't a horribly demanding game anyway. So, with that said, what are you looking to achieve with the upgrade?

IMO your 2600 is already the match to a 9600K just from a threads available perspective. The future will come into the R5 favor, and out of the i5.
I honestly can't suggest moving into a high priced X570 board for this use case, particularly if you aren't going to, or have no need for upgrading RAM.

Have you tried to overclock your current RAM at all? Using an XMP setting now?
Your 2xxx series proc is "looking for" 2933 RAM speeds. The 3xxx series will be looking for higher for optimal performance.
With that said, I would ask what resolution and frame rate you are currently gaming at, and what your expectations are from said upgrade...IE. you mention not gaming much, and only League of Legends which isn't a horribly demanding game anyway. So, with that said, what are you looking to achieve with the upgrade?

IMO your 2600 is already the match to a 9600K just from a threads available perspective. The future will come into the R5 favor, and out of the i5.
I honestly can't suggest moving into a high priced X570 board for this use case, particularly if you aren't going to, or have no need for upgrading RAM.

Have you tried to overclock your current RAM at all? Using an XMP setting now?
Hello, about gaming i mentioned games like red dead 2, green hell, etc. Not only limited to league of legends. Plus my target resolution is mainly 1080 at 60 FPS, maybe in a future i could go to 1440p. I have tried overclocking my RAM but only up to 2600, otherwise it would crash.
Hello, about gaming i mentioned games like red dead 2, green hell, etc. Not only limited to league of legends. Plus my target resolution is mainly 1080 at 60 FPS, maybe in a future i could go to 1440p. I have tried overclocking my RAM but only up to 2600, otherwise it would crash.

IMO if you are only playing at 1080/60 then I wouldn't change anything hardware wise. Probably look to reducing background process while gaming and see if the issue resolves that way.
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You are probably fine. Just keep hardware.

The issues are either internet or probably not hardware related.

If you must upgrade, upgrade ram first. 2400mhz really does hurt Ryzen.

Don't swap motherboards and go an inferior I5 CPU just to avoid spending $50 on proper ram.

I have this 3200mhz 2x8gb ram running on a B350 motherboard and Ryzen 5 2600. Runs XMP profile perfectly.
Even on a B350 board I have gotten my CPU to 4.2ghz and this ram to 3400mhz CL18 stable.
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I am not particularly familiar with all the games you listed, but are they "online play"? Could your FPS issue be related to internet speed?
It's not online play, it's all single player except for league of legends, so internet is not the culpirit. I have something else in mind to buy instead of RAM | CPU, which is a Thrustmaster TH8A shifter. I think that would be the best bet since i can use it along with my TMX PRO
You can get Gskill Aegis 16Gb DDR4 3000 for $55. Used 2400 16Gb is selling for $30+ depending on brand. On eBay. For the $25 or less investment, it'd be money well spent. You should have no worries getting 2933 or 3000 MHz and it should even manually OC to 3200MHz as many of those Aegis kits are Samsung B-die.

That would be a start.

Ryzen prefer to run cooler, unlike Intel which boosts anyways, Ryzen boost is linked to voltages and temps. It's a smarter approach done that way, you might not get all the performance you want, but the cpu will give its best. Intels just boost anyways and then throttle when overheated.

So you can OC a little and not change anything but the multiplier, the cpu takes care of the rest. If it's a little warm, just lower the vcore 0.05v or more. That's as hard as basic OC gets, but can improve fps 10 or more. Paired with fast ram, you could easily be looking at 20-30fps gains.

You already do it with a car. Better handling tires, synthetic oil change, premium wiper blades, higher output headlights. Super unleaded gasoline. Tailoring the cpu to get its best performance is no different. All it really costs is a little time and patience.