worth upgrading gtx970?


Jan 26, 2014
Built my machine in 2015. Running i7-4790k@4GHZ and gtx 970.
Want to know if it's worth upgrading to a GTX 1070?
Should I wait - if so how long?
Prolly need SLI 1080ti's with a better CPU but thats just a wild guess.

Since you are playing at 4k you need a 1080ti at least to turn up the details with a playable framerate. SLI 1070s should do the trick as well.
If you have money to burn sure. I upgraded from a 970 to 1070 myself. It is a noticeable upgrade but really the improvement isn't that huge (about same as 970 -> 980ti. 1070 is slightly faster than 980ti). If possible I would go with at least a 1080 or a 1080ti if you can afford it. Also consider what resolution you are playing at. If you are at 1440p then a 1070 can be worth it (its why I upgraded).

Problem is gtx970 is only 3.5GB.
I can play GTA V with 970 on ultra and at 4k with 30FPS but no MSAA
I can play GTA V with 970 also at 1080 on ultra 60-80FPS and 4x MSAA

If I upgrade to 1080, can I play GTA V at 4k on ultra with 60+ fps?

no the problem is not vram, the 970 is too weak

4k ultra need TWO gtx 1080 ti's

or two gtx 1070's

1440p a gtx 1080 would be enough