Worth upgrading my fx-6300?


Dec 3, 2012
So I've thought about upgrading my CPU for a very long time but I've always let either laziness or lack of money get the better of me.

I'm currently running my system with a slightly overclocked GTX 970 and an AMD fx-6300 that's bottlenecking a good amount

I've tried overclocking the 6300 but I must of gotten a crappy chip for overclocking because even just a 500 mhz overclock causes BSOD's (Even bought an EVO 212 so the thing wasn't overheating or anything)

I want to upgrade to an AMD chip because I don't want to have to spend 400 bucks on a decent mobo with an i5 4690k. Whenever I ask people about upgrading my CPU they always want me to upgrade to intel, which is better for gaming but is very expensive.

So my question: Is it worth upgrading to an AMD chip from an unoverclockable fx-6300? If so, which CPU?

Any suggestions appreciated :)

Then the 212 EVO should be fine provided you will install it correctly.
Honestly, the upgrade from an FX to an FX will be fairly underwhelming. You will alleviate the bottleneck on the 970, but beyond that any CPU bound tasks will perform relatively similar. Only in multithreaded apps would the upgrade be worth while, and for gaming there are very few games that would benefit from the extra two piledriver cores.

There is this thing: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819113347

Although I've heard it runs super hot unless you got a watercooler, if it's worth it I'd honestly rather pop this thing in than have to upgrade my mobo for an intel chip

It's just an overclocked FX 8350 that requires you to have a decent cpu cooler. You could save money simply by getting the FX 8350 to overclock it yourself and a better cpu cooler than you have right now.

If I do buy an 8350 and don't overclock it so that it's as hot as the sun I'm guessing the 212 Evo would suffice, right?

Ok my question is answered, gonna go ahead and buy me an 8350 with some better fans for my 212 evo and call it a day

Thanks for the help

Make sure you got airflow across the VRM on your motherboard. A top-down blowing cpu cooler would be better for your motherboard.