Worth upgrading my Internet Setup


May 25, 2017
Hello toms hardware I was just wondering as I live in quite a large house and my Router is in one end of the house and my gaming desktop is at the other end. I have decreased the range by a third so far by attaching a extender to a room about 5 metres closer and hooking it up to my desktop through the roof using an ethernet cord however I am still 20 or so metres away. i am currently getting a stable ping in games of around 80-100 and i was wondering if putting an extender approximately 5 metres away from the router would help. if it will reduce ping by 20-30 ms I would be happy to do it but any less I will just leave it alone. if you guys have any other suggestions to reduce latency that would be great
Here is the link to the image of the setup
If it was me, I would get an ethernet cable to the PC. Either on the outside of the house (painted to match) or in the attic/basement. You can pay a professional low-voltage cable installer. They have specialized tools to get cables almost anywhere.
If it was me, I would get an ethernet cable to the PC. Either on the outside of the house (painted to match) or in the attic/basement. You can pay a professional low-voltage cable installer. They have specialized tools to get cables almost anywhere.