Would a $50 savings on the HTC Vive get you off the fence

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The Vive gives you a flyscreen door effect, which is pretty much exactly what it sounds like, looks like you're looking through a flyscreen door due to the low resolution so close to your face (2x 1080p).
The immersion has a good foundation, but it needs more work and more importantly more horsepower to get off the ground.
This is the first generation of VR remember?
Think the first iPhone compared to modern offerings.
The Rift experience is vastly worse though I found, even with oculus touch.
Each has jarring problems.
VR simply isn't worth the cost at the moment, even with the discount to $400 the rift got got a while a couple of days ago.
Nup, GTX 1080 Ti 1700 system we setup at the shop with both the Vive and Rift on standby, I found the Rift touch controllers to be far less intuitive, and to be bluntly honest in my opinion a little lazy in design given how long they've taken to come out.
That's a factor, but the major part is the lack of truly immersive titles that I could find for it.
Just an opinion, that was my take.
Note not recommending either given the cost atm, has good potential though.

I wonder what stopped the immersion. The fly door effect(called the screen door effect over here) or the lack of immersive titles. Did you have SS (aka supersampling) at 2.5? That just helps the graphics. If I get an inch away from my 1080p screen I too see pixels. I'm aware that that is a given with the headset. I've also heard that most can "get over that". Some can not. This has been a months long journey.

What was lacking/lazy about the design?

The reason I prefer the Vive is because the HTC Vive has a better FOV. It also has fairly simple controls to control the distance from your eyes(allows for glasses too) as well as the users IPD. On paper? 110°. In use? The Vive wins. This is one of many "reviews" that I've read. Two vs three sensors(aka light houses). The Vive's tracking is just better imo. It also seems to have more room scale titles than the Rift. There are other reasons which I can't recall at the moment. Youtube videos? Yep, dozens. And dozens more after that.After that? Even more. While the many reviews I've read are very informative I also like to see personal reviews and comparisons between the headsets. I've played outside of the screen for almost 40 years. About time I enter it.

Every SteamVR game can be run with a Rift, and then there's the Oculus content on top. So you don't know what you're talking about.
I have a Vive and I'm enjoying it... I find that you loose that screen effect almost instantaneously when playing. Your brain just removed it... I live the Vive for the whole room stuff... It really adds a lot to the gameplay...


"the lack of truly immersive titles that I could find forit."
I'm talking about exclusives, on top of that the oculus touch controllers didn't help with the immersion, this is my opinion, it's not a matter of 'you don't know what you're talking about' here mate.


How big of a play area do you have?

Well, there aren't really any exclusives either way. Whatever runs on a Rift will run on a Vive, whatever runs on a Vive will run on a Rift. But if any of them has an advantage it's the Rift, since you need an unofficial tool to run the Oculus stuff on a Vive.

And the Touch controllers are pretty universally regarded as superior to the Vive controllers. Valve is working on their Knuckles controllers to catch up (and add further improvements), but there's no launch date on them yet.

The same applies to the HTC Vive's link box. The basic hardware in there for the power, HDMI and USB is not proprietary. It's almost like a safety device with a bluetooth radio included(Doesn't communicate with the lighthouses.) for your phone. I don't know what it does exactly. It isn't an HDMI or USB repeater. The HDMI and USB cables can circumvent the link box. The Rift can also use the the Vive's link box. A second link box can be used to extend the range of the Vive or Oculus.
Yeah I've actually considered using a Vive link box as an extension for my Rift.

I feel like the Rift's cable is better than the bulkier Vive cable, but the link box is a nice advantage in the other direction.

There are a lot of tradeoffs like that between the Rift and Vive.

That's their original 3-in-1. This one https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01MQW49B3/_encoding=UTF8?coliid=I1TT0EZLOU40VI&colid=1JV4QQPBF2FXZ is lighter and more manageable.

I don't see such a chasms like there used to be a couple years ago. The Vive however is my choice. I can't save money fast enough but I'll appreciate it that much more.

This didn't sway me towards or away from the Vive. [video="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rBMVZJLwgQo"][/video] it only showed me how immersive it can be. Granted he is legally blind so some allowances can be made. There are so many other videos and reviews which led me to the Vive and the price point dropping helps.
You would be better off with the rift unless you have more money and space to use roomscale which is better than Oculus at the expense of exclusives and comfort.

I do not have the space. Therefore I am going to be using this outdoors as well, weather permitting. I will be using a 10' x 20' screened in canopy which will eventually also be enclosed. I am aware of the potential of screen burn and will not allow that to happen. I have been locked in place for decades. I now have the opportunity to escape the confines of my living room but I am supposed to settle with the Oculus? From the days of pong we have been told to stay inside. We have since 1D asteroids been trapped
. They have allowed us to stretch our arms and legs with the occasional dancing game. Running in place
will satisfy me no more. I have journeyed through the trenches. I have seen gaming systems come and go. I personally witnessed Virtual Boy in all its 2D singular color horror
take a nosedive. And still I was trapped. I refuse to stand still. I will not acquiesce to life, to the man and certainly not to Oculus just because it's simpler and cheaper. We have within our grasp the opportunity to break the bonds that suffered the very breath from our gaming. That sapped the life from that which we believed was entertaining us. I say thank you with sincerity to Atari 2600, Nintendo, SNES, SEGA!, PS1 and 2 and to the many other vehicles that allowed me years of enjoyment and brought me to this choice. But today, today I choose the Vive. Today, I choose FREEEEEDOOOOOOOOM!

Comfort? Which one do you think is more comfortable? Reviews and links about that?
You're hardly trapped with the Rift*... but okay, the Vive is easier to set up for large tracked areas, and there's no need to fiddle with USB ports or expansion cards.

The Rift is more comfortable, especially if you don't get the $100 deluxe head strap upgrade for the Vive. But the PSVR is actually considered the most comfortable headset on the market. The upcoming headsets from Microsoft partners will use the same mounting system as the PSVR, and so will LG's upcoming SteamVR headset (sort of a gen 1.5 Vive).

*I mean I was just floating around in the rings of Saturn a minute ago, using a Rift. Fucking amazing stuff, except for the radiation and lasers trying to kill me.

😀 It's only an experience but wielding the lightsaber for that guy up there? A dream come true.

Sure, that bald guy on TV had Dixon Hill. But we aren't without our own escapes.

Which game or experience is that one with Saturn? I already have about a dozen games. A couple I even paid for. And my wishlist grows weekly.
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