Would a Core 2 Quad Bottleneck GTX 950 and how much? :( please help

saif magdob

Oct 22, 2015
I am deciding to buy a ASUS Strix GTX 950 2GB Gaming so I want to ask that would my cpu which is Intel Core 2 Quad Q9550 2.83GHz Bottleneck the Graphics Card and how much?? I have 8GB 800MHz of DDR2 Ram and the CPU is not Overclocked.

1920x1080 resolution

Yes, definitely. The RAM too will quite hinder overall PC speed. If you're planning to get/upgrade your GPU, I would suggest to get the GTX 750Ti. While it's old and is outperformed by the 950, it's very energy efficient and will not bottleneck your CPU in most non-demanding games.

If you want a "real" upgrade, you'll have to upgrade your CPU(which probably involves upgrading motherboard), GPU, and RAM. These 3(4) themselves involve quite a bit of money. I would suggest to save up until you have enough money for a new PC altogether, trust me, you'll love it.
Yes, definitely. The RAM too will quite hinder overall PC speed. If you're planning to get/upgrade your GPU, I would suggest to get the GTX 750Ti. While it's old and is outperformed by the 950, it's very energy efficient and will not bottleneck your CPU in most non-demanding games.

If you want a "real" upgrade, you'll have to upgrade your CPU(which probably involves upgrading motherboard), GPU, and RAM. These 3(4) themselves involve quite a bit of money. I would suggest to save up until you have enough money for a new PC altogether, trust me, you'll love it.

Thanks! I really appreciate the help!