would a Sapphire R7 250 2gb DDR3 with a amd a10 6700


Nov 30, 2015
I have an amd a10 6700 with 8gb of ddr3 ram. The pre-built pc is a ASUS m11bb series. Inside there is a "Crossfire-x ready" gpu slot.

I am wondering if a Sapphire r7 250 2gb gpu would be compatable with the ASUS m11bb and If I would get a significant performance increase while gaming.

Currently I get ~ 70 fps in minecraft on default settings, 20 fps on world of warships at low settings, and ~40 fps best on SWTOR medium settings. Also, I am hoping it would allow me to be able to play Star wars battle front 3 without being at like 15 fps on lowest settings.
Hi, you can't run dual graphics between a Richland APU and a GCN card unfortunately. You'd need to look at the older Radeon 6670 card instead as per this:


You're best option might be to just forget about dual graphics and get a reasonable discreet card however (as dual cards can cause lots of problems). The R7 250 isn't too bad, but if you can look at the newer 360 card or even a gtx 750.

So what you are saying is that old a10 6700 does not support crossfire?

The A10 6700 support 'dual graphics' (that is crossfire between the integrated gpu and a discreet card) with only the HD 6570 and HD 6670 cards. It *won't work* with an R7 250 as that card is based on a different technology (the type of graphics cores used in the A10 6700 are 'VILW' like in the HD6xxx cards, the R7 250 uses the newer 'GCN' graphics cores so won't work with you specific processor, you'd need one of the A8 / A10 7XXX parts for that).