Would anyone like to see a remake of Daggerfall?


Oct 8, 2014
It was released in 1996 and so it has it's flaws
Flaws that could be easily fixable- Its a crime to loiter around, Crappy Combat, Poor Graphics, etc.

If 5000 people on the internet banded together to create a remake, perhaps with unreal engine 4, it could be submitted to Bethesda to be created.
If you had 5000 people you wouldn't need betheseda for ****.

Most mod/remake/indie dev teams are like 2-5 people.

I've never played daggerfall but i'm an ES fan and would be interested in a modern version of it.

It probably would be smarter to just do a total conversion/remake of it in Skyrim or Morrowind though.

yeah but the morden games of Elder Scrolls no longer have the Dungeons and Dragons feel to them like Daggerfall did.

To this just create a texture pack for it as it is open domain now due to them just making it that way for some reason probably as not enough ppl know it even exists anymore you can mod the heck out of it legally without having to get a modification kit thing.
I did get the Skyrim creation kit, so I might as well try to make it as an open source project on Steam/Nexus. I would just need to show it's potential by making Privateers Hold completely. Since Skyrim is my favorite game and Daggerfall my second, it would combine the good of both into one.


If yo udo that please include a link here so i can download it as i have Skyrim and Morrowind too also Daggerfall though Daggerfall seemed weird at first as it was modeled more so after a true DnD game and not the standard RPG type game that we know today.
There are many games like daggerfall (another example would be price of persia 1 or lands of lore) that had a great feeling, but it had nothing to do with graphics or how well it was done.
Unfortunatelly, modern graphics cant remake some of them becasue even the view distance was low on purpouse so you would not know if in 3 "steps" you would be in a fight.