Would-Be Twitter Killer App.net To Shut Down In March

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I read somewhere (on the intertubes so it must be true :) ) that each Facebook user was worth about $12 per year. If we were all willing to pay The Zuck that much then Facebook would have no reason to advertise or collect our information or sell it to the 3rd parties.

If we were all willing to use AdBlock Plus for free then we would have no reason to pay one of the richest people in the world in order for us to hand over personal information, photos and conversations. Fake your likes by liking stuff you don't actually like and then simply unfollowing, use AdBlock Plus with the right filters - report anything strange to them, use Ghostery to block tracking so you're not followed by Facebook all over the Internet, AND make sure you don't provide your personal info to Facebook such as real birthday, family members and the rest... Facebook is not above you, you are above Facebook.

Wow! If you hate Facebook so much why don't you delete your account instead of subjecting us to your self-righteousness vitriol?

It costs money to run a web site, especially one as complex as Facebook. And if you want to use it then you're going to have to pay for it some how. If everyone uses Ad Block then you can bet Facebook, this web site, and everyone else will react - either nothing will be free or everyone will block the blockers.

So enjoy the free ride you're getting now, because if everyone follows your advice it won't be free for much longer.

You right, it does cost money to run these sites and pay for developers. So Facebook (and others) chooses advertising over subscriptions. Then the advertising gets more and more in your face and obtrusive, so people (like me) block all the ads with AdBlock to get our sanity back.

IMO we NEED everyone to start using AdBlock so sites will loose their advertising $ and back off the add spam and malvertising crap.
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