I just had this little theory in my head
i noticed when i have my computer generate as many frames as possible the power supply's fan runs faster which means the computer is now consuming more energy
While when i cap my framerate to 60 i can hear the power supply's fan slowing down and making less noise which means the computer is consuming less power to make 60 frames instead of 260
So it would cost less to power your computer if you cap your framerate. of course that's just a theory that came up in my head randomly, i could easily be wrong
But it's always good to cap your framerate, what's the point of having 260 frames per second when your monitor can only display 60 frames per second, plus your computer strugles less to generate 60 frames and the less your computer strugless, it's good for it's health because of less heat
So am i correct?
I just had this little theory in my head
i noticed when i have my computer generate as many frames as possible the power supply's fan runs faster which means the computer is now consuming more energy
While when i cap my framerate to 60 i can hear the power supply's fan slowing down and making less noise which means the computer is consuming less power to make 60 frames instead of 260
So it would cost less to power your computer if you cap your framerate. of course that's just a theory that came up in my head randomly, i could easily be wrong
But it's always good to cap your framerate, what's the point of having 260 frames per second when your monitor can only display 60 frames per second, plus your computer strugles less to generate 60 frames and the less your computer strugless, it's good for it's health because of less heat
So am i correct?