I have 4x8gb (32gb) ram and I was wondering if it would work with the I5 6600k CPU, I don't want to use it just in case something goes wrong.
And which motherboards support DDR3 and DDR4?
What is your current motherboard? also only ddr3L is supported i believe
Already have ordered the case and mobo, I realize its not the best mobo but its above my budget anyways. As for the ram I
already have it where could I sell it?
Really sorry for the late reply.
What is your current motherboard? also only ddr3L is supported i believe
Already have ordered the case and mobo, I realize its not the best mobo but its above my budget anyways. As for the ram I
already have it where could I sell it?
Really sorry for the late reply.
So this mobo doesn't support overclocking, so you can't get everything out of the cpu. If you want to overclock in the future you'd have to get a new mobo and the letter before the numbers would have to be Z. As for the ram depends on your country but maybe a local hardware store? maybe ebay? It depends. And for this motherboard you'll need DDR4-2133 RAM, also a quick tip you wont be needing more than 8gb of ram if you're only gaming. gl
Since you bought a B150 board you could swap out the cpu for an i5 7500 with bios 7978v1C or i5 6500, no need for a K series cpu since the B150 board cant overclock
Since you bought a B150 board you could swap out the cpu for an i5 7500 with bios 7978v1C or i5 6500, no need for a K series cpu since the B150 board cant overclock
Thanks, but I'll use the motherboard for now, then after a couple of months I will give it to a friend and get the Z170 or Z270.
I'm going to keep the K processor just so I can OC after getting the new motherboard.