Would I be bottlenecked and I need your advice aswell.


Sep 27, 2012
Hey Guys, thanks for reading this post I have a couple of Qs to ask you.

I currently have an AMD FX 4170 OC to 4.4ghz (Stock 4.2) and an Ati HD 6870 CF. I am thinking about getting the Ati 7870 in crossfire but wasn't sure if I would experience any bottleneck with the upgrade?

Do you think its wise to upgrade from HD6870CF --- HD 7870CF? Micro stuttering did happen in Sleeping dogs but it didn't bother me that much.

Any news on AMD's new cpu range? I keeping reading on forums that its gonna be out but no news lol.

Thanks again,

It should be too much of a problem but I would upgrade that cpu to a 6300 or 8320 before upgrading the 6870s. Unless you need more gpu performance from the games you play the 6870s should be good enough.
I suspect that you are more limited by cpu than by graphics capability.
The FX series is not known for being a good gaming cpu.
Try lowering your resolution and eye candy. If your FPS increases, then the cpu may be capable of driving a better configuration to higher fps.

^+1 a good test to go through to see if you need something stronger. In the long term you may want to upgrade to a piledriver chip even though they aren't amazing they are the best that AMD has and they perform just fine with the current gen graphic cards.


Sep 27, 2012
Thanks guys for your reply :).
Yeah I am going to give the AMD FX 8350 a shot only £160ish cant complain lol. Do you know the performance for GTA4 if I get this CPU.

Also aswell is it worth overclocking FX8350 and what fan/heat sink would you recommend?


Sep 27, 2012
Ok awesome thanks again.

Just one last Question and that will be it.

would I experience bottleneck with the FX8350 and 7870 in CF?

I'm not sure. I would think okay but also I would advise against a crossfire setup. I would only get a second gpu if one wasn't enough. If you were running into games where the settings weren't cutting the mustard for you. I would get what you can afford when games stop playing at the rate they are move onto either a 2nd GPU or if enough time has gone by another single card. But I'm really not sure I would think that chip could handle it its the best they have surely it can.

That should be fine. I seen people with 8350s and 7970s CF and they seem to be ok.