Would it bottleneck?


Nov 1, 2015
Just a quick question, I am going to make a build that consists of...
CPU: AMD Fx-8320
Motherboard: Gigabyte 970A UD3P
RAM: Ripjaw X 8Gb
GPU: Gigabyte GeForce GTX 960 4GB Video Card
Storage: SSD and HDD
My question is, will nay of these components bottleneck eachother, and do you think that this is a good build?
Also does the chosen motherboard support DDR4 RAM as i cant find wether it does or not? Thanks a lot for a reply!
Yours sincerely- PC noob

Thank you for your reply! I have reasearched and have only decided to go for the 8320 as it is 40$ cheaper and i can clock it to just over the stock of a 8350! What are you opinions on that?
Another question is that do you think i will see a huge difference in my PC speed from DDR3 to DDR4? ive headr ddr 3 is faster just ddr4 is better quality and more reliable? Need some help?
Thanks a lot!

No the 8 core just sounded appealing after some reasearch! I really don thave the budget to go spending a lot of money on an i7 at the moment, and i dont want an i5- would you suggest a different CPU?
By overclocking the fx8320 you might put more stress on it you would probably get you $40 back in lifespan. Your choice but I don't think you can really notice difference between ddr4 and ddr3.

Well as a 15 year old i only have a budget of about 450 pounds which is my hard earned money!
I have an i5 750 at 2.86 Ghz and it is locked so i can not overclock.
I really want to try an AMD, and the 8 core had good reviews, is it not a good idea once overcloked then?
I have heard many reviews that it does perform well?
I would not go with an FX chip. It is 3+ year old architecture, on a dead platform. In newer titles, even an i3 is capable of matching, and beating, FX. The 1231v3 is a fine chip. You could most likely re-use some of your current pc's parts, like ram, and hard drives/disc drives, to offset some cost.

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

CPU: Intel Xeon E3-1231 V3 3.4GHz Quad-Core Processor (£205.67 @ Dabs)
Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-Z97P-D3 ATX LGA1150 Motherboard (£62.95 @ Amazon UK)
Total: £268.62
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2015-12-01 17:53 GMT+0000