I'm looking to replace my very old Acer 22 inch LC monitor. My current plan is to go with the the Asus VN247H-P http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16824236307&cm_re=ASUS_VN247H-P-_-24-236-307-_-Product But, I was wondering if anyone here had a better suggestion for a monitor that's around 170 dollars or under. I thought about going with an Asus monitor that has an IPS display. It has a 5 ms response time compared to 1 for this monitor. My current monitor is 5 ms response, but I'm not sure if I started using a 1 ms monitor if I would notice a difference which i think would make the IPS better? How noticable is the difference between 5 ms response time and 1 ms?