Would like some help on an booting issue I am having. Thank you in advance.

Mar 29, 2018
I have a Z170 (er 6700k??) with 32 gb RAM (4x8gb), 550 w PSU and a 1060 6gb GPU.

Everything was fine until Tuesday when all of a sudden, it, what I thought was rebooting, but every fan was maxing RPM's. CPU, system, GPU and motherboard fans.
I turned it off via the small PSU switch at the back. Left it a few minutes and then turned it back on.
I then got the normal startup stuff, but then I was getting MAX fan spinning again.
So I removed everything that is non vital (soundcard, GPU, all my drives and all but 1 ram) and then tried it again. I then connected to the on board graphics via HDMI.
This time, it just kept looping, but with no screen displayed. Which I thought was weird. So, I removed the RAM (could be the RAM) and tried another. Same result. Which, it could be a faulty RAM module. But for two to blow seems unlikely.

So after some research I put it down to either the PSU, or the mobo, as that's what most of the searches ended up resulting it.
I ordered a new mobo and PSU. I fitted the mobo (as I thought that's the most common answer as I wasn't receiving any kind of screen display) and then the same thing. So I have then swapped the PSU. And still the same thing: constant looping.

Is it likely the CPU that's faulty?
Is this a newly built system? What kind of CPU cooler do you have? The issues your explaining describe effects of a temperature issue. If you have a liquid cooler you could have a failed pump. Let the computer cool down and boot into the BIOS and check your temps.

I haven't overclocked anything as this is a machine for virtual machines and some games. Specifically League of legends.

Which needs no resources at all.


System is two years old. Never had an issue with it. It's Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO CPU Air Cooler. I've used the same cooler since purchase. Again, I haven't had an issue before.

I can't boot into bios. I am not receiving any display. I turn it on, it will spin the fans for maybe 10-15 seconds, then loop. Which is why I thought it could be the GPU. So I removed the GPU, used the on board graphics and the same thing.
So I swapped the mobo with a brand new one and I get the same problem. I swapped the PSU and the same problem.
ATM all of the drives have been removed, save the boot OS and that's a 500gb Samsung 960 pro. My NVM-e is only three months old.

If you replaced the motherboard and PSU and your still getting the issue I would suspect the CPU. Make sure the 24pin and the 6/8 pin CPU connector are plugged up properly. If you still do not get an image then you most likely have a failed CPU. Which CPU and Mobo do you have?

My original mobo, which I still have is a gigabyte gaming 5. I then got a gigabyte ultra gaming as that's what Amazon gave me as a replacement.

Do you happen to have a link to the exact model? There are several different models of this motherboard.

This was my original mobo. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Gigabyte-LGA1151-Motherboard-Motherboards-GA-Z170X-GAMING/dp/B012IBPPWG/ref=sr_1_2?s=computers&ie=UTF8&qid=1522350715&sr=1-2&keywords=gigabyte+gaming+5+z170
This is my original PSU - https://www.amazon.co.uk/Corsair-CS550M-voltage-Overheating-circuit/dp/B00GH9NA6O/ref=sr_1_1?s=computers&ie=UTF8&qid=1522350963&sr=1-1&keywords=corsair+cs550m

They then gave me this to test: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Gigabyte-LGA1151-Motherboard-Motherboards-GA-Z170X-GAMING/dp/B01H74VKKK/ref=sr_1_2?s=computers&ie=UTF8&qid=1522350715&sr=1-2&keywords=gigabyte%2Bgaming%2B5%2Bz170&th=1 and this PSU: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Corsair-RM550x-Modular-Power-Supply/dp/B015PWMRI0/ref=sr_1_1?s=computers&ie=UTF8&qid=1522350911&sr=1-1&keywords=corsair+550w+gold+psu

If it is the CPU, why am I not receiving any picture still? I thought post was REALLY basic stuff, like making sure CMOS is up, north and south bridge work and checking the RAM

Your CPU is where your integrated graphics comes from. Try installing your CPU into your old motherboard and use your new PSU. Make sure to check for any bent pins on the bottom of your CPU. Make sure to connect both the 24 pin and the 8 pin CPU connector on the top left of the motherboard and try powering the system on using the integrated graphics.

When I did some research, my conclusions from my searching the problems I was experiencing was that either I blew the PSU, or I blew the mobo and it's not regulating fan control.
That's why Amazon gave me a mobo and PSU to test out.
I personally didn't think it was the PSU, as you really need to provide some real volts to a PSU to kill it.
And I use a surge protection anyways.

So my only real, most correct was the mobo. But now, it's just sitting there and in a constant look of turning on for maybe 10 - 15 seconds and restarting. Which was kinda the original problem (though the fans are not going max rev anymore)

So after having a long sleep because I have been ill for the last week, I did the following:
- replaced the old mobo and then fitted the new PSU and it sat there and spun with no reboot.
- I then turned it off and put the old PSU in and then left it and no reboot. But I didn't have a display (my guess is, before I check, I turned off integrated graphics possibly)
- I then stuck my VPU in and it booted.
- Plugged all my drives and sound card in and it's fine now.

I had a check of the event log and only found one error that I am investigating:

The description for Event ID 56 from source Application Popup cannot be found. Either the component that raises this event is not installed on your local computer or the installation is corrupted. You can install or repair the component on the local computer.

If the event originated on another computer, the display information had to be saved with the event.

The following information was included with the event:


the message resource is present but the message is not found in the string/message table

I know what I saw and experienced and what was happening. Which is soooo strange. as I spent a day messing about with it and then all of a sudden it's magically fine. As if it's just mocked me and wanted me to clean in and remove all dust.


It seems the Z170 chipset has a reoccuring driver issue. So I would try updating your BIOS, but make sure to create a backup before doing so, just in case something else occurs and you need to re install the original BIOS.