Would my Core 2 Duo Q9400 bottleneck a GTX 750ti FTW?


Oct 27, 2013
Hello, my uncle recently built a brand new gaming PC, and handed his old one down to me. I just finished my freshman year in high school, and my dad offered to buy me a new graphics card for getting good grades. I searched around, and eventually decided that I would like the GTX 750ti FTW edition from EVGA. My question is, would my Intel Core 2 Duo Q9400 bottleneck the performance of that card?
My current PC specs:
CPU: Intel Core 2 duo Q9400 @ 2.66ghz
GPU: Nvidia 550ti (reference model) I overclocked this to 1000 Mhz
Mobo: EVGA 123-YW-E175-A1 (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813188026)
Memory: 8gb of generic Samsung RAM.
Storage: 1TB Seagate HDD
PSU: 650 watts
I chose the 750ti FTW mainly for the price to performance ratio, but please suggest any other sub-$200 cards you think would work!
based on some of the Tom's articles on bottlenecking, they showed that a FX4100(AMD) only slightly bottlenecked an AMD R9 270. this is important to note because the 4100 is on the same tier of their CPU charts as the old 775-socket Q9xxx chips. the beauty of those is they are very easy to OC. so. 750Ti bottlenecked on that CPU? Yes, but not too badly. If you're not in a position for a new build, and the rest of the computer is a home-built deal, Crank that CPU up to around 3.0GHZ and enjoy your 750Ti!
I dont think it would be a huge bottleneck, not so much that it would be a total waste of money. If you plan to overclock the CPU, the bottleneck would be further reduced. I think you would be fine with a gtx 750ti and a q9400.
based on some of the Tom's articles on bottlenecking, they showed that a FX4100(AMD) only slightly bottlenecked an AMD R9 270. this is important to note because the 4100 is on the same tier of their CPU charts as the old 775-socket Q9xxx chips. the beauty of those is they are very easy to OC. so. 750Ti bottlenecked on that CPU? Yes, but not too badly. If you're not in a position for a new build, and the rest of the computer is a home-built deal, Crank that CPU up to around 3.0GHZ and enjoy your 750Ti!