Would my CPU bottleneck if I got a new GPU?


Feb 4, 2018
My PC's gaming performance is pretty bad so I'm thinking about getting a new GPU. I was 100% sure that my CPU's gonna bottleneck while playing games with my new GPU, but it's worth a try asking you guys.
I currently have an A10 7800 CPU and an R7 370 GPU
I'm thinking about getting a GTX 980
PC runs games like GTA 5, CS:GO fine, but PUBG is just a big no..
Would my CPU bottleneck?

Significantly. The only way I'd buy that is if you plan on upgrading your rig. Otherwise a GTX 960 would be a better fit.
Yes, and it would do it A LOT in games like GTA 5 that are CPU intensive.
Still not sure if you have better way to go. You will need to change CPU for sure, still first changing GPU then CPU 2-3 months later seems reasonable. Gains from this upgrade will vary a lot on game to game, I think you will go ~60-80 % of 980 in most games.
Not sure if PUGB would be playable<
well it is


This is far from playable though.. it's really choppy, just like it is now. I'm trying to get rid of the lag and the huge fps drops.
I really want to get a Ryzen 5 1600, but I have DDR3 RAM, (Ryzen CPUs only work with DDR4) and I just bought 8gb of DDR3 for christmas, so I don't really want to get rid of that.
The other option would be an 4th gen Intel CPU (but they're significantly slower than Ryzens), but my motherboard doesn't support Intel CPUs, so I need a new motherboard... ugh this is so complicated.. Thank you for the answers! Have a nice day <3

You'd need a new motherboard for the Ryzens, too.

Realistically, you're asking too much for this platform and any worthwhile upgrade is going to require a new platform.

Well, if I'm gonna need a new motherboard anyways the i5 4670 is an easier option I guess, but it's way worse than the Ryzen 5 1600... :/


This isn't actually true, most of the time. The 4670 and 1600 essentially have equally powerful single cores, the 1600 only really becomes preferable in the games that can truly utilize more than four threads. A 4670 still destroys any FM2+ CPU.

I'd still recommend just selling the RAM and going to AM4 though. It's a little short-sighted to lock yourself into a much older platform that makes your next upgrade much more expensive because of an $80 component that you can probably sell for $50.

I have a 4690K. The hard part will be finding an appropriate board. https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=9SIAD7H5EX6098. Is an option. But it's so old. Over 3 generations old, it is. It'll be a choke-point when gaming. Nope, not really. It'll be fine for maybe another 3 years. I have mine paired with a 1080 Ti. I also had a 9 month+ wait time because I needed to save money. That gave me time to see if I could upgrade the entire rig or just the GFX card. The 4590 is still okay. The 4790 would be ideal.

Selling your current board and CPU MIGHT recoup a little money.

These boards have been recommended to me:

I need 4 slots for the RAM since I have 4 4gb DDR3 ramsticks

There is no such thing as "bottlenecking"
If, by that, you mean that upgrading a cpu or graphics card can
somehow lower your performance or FPS.
A better term might be limiting factor.
That is where adding more cpu or gpu becomes increasingly
less effective.

You buy a APU for the excellent integrated graphics.
But, there are no real good CPU upgrades, particularly for a gamer.
If you install a superior discrete graphics card, you will have thrown away the big advantage of the APU.
Then, you are left with a relatively weak cpu. Most games depend on only a few fast cores.

Bottom line.....
What you get with a APU is what you will live with forever.

Your A10 is slow in single thread performance which is what most games need.

To assess the possible benefit of a GTX980 card, run this test:
Run YOUR games, but lower your resolution and eye candy.
If your FPS increases, it indicates that your cpu is strong enough to drive a better graphics configuration.
If your FPS stays the same, you are likely more cpu limited.

Modern processors are all about DDR4 ram.

If you want to keep your DDR3 ram(worth perhaps $80 on ebay, then the strongest platform will be lga1150 based and a intel processor.
Look up the passmark ratings for candidate processors.
For example, your 4 thread A10-7800 has a rating of 5017 and a single thread rating of 1537.
The single thread rating is most important for games.
The 4 thread i5-4670 has a rating of 7413 and a single thread rating of 2153.

All that said, consider selling your old parts and look for a more modern 8th gen lga1151 based platform.
The entry level $130 8th gen I3-8100 has a rating of 8105/2100.

And? Prices? Availability?

B85 is the bottom end. H81 is better. H87 is even better. Z87 or Z97 allow for OC'ing. I change 1 frigging number for mild OC. 4.4Ghz instead of 3.9GHz.

Tried lowering the resolution and other settings before, FPS didn't really change..