Would my specs support gtx 780 ?


Mar 12, 2013
Im planning/thinking about upgrading my graphics card from gtx 650 to maybe 780 assuming that i upgrade my psu to accommodate the psu requirement from the 780. However i still wana run by with you guys and see if my specs are able to support the gtx 780
Heres the specs of my PC:

Windows 7 (Service Pack 1)
Micro Electronics, Inc.

Intel(R)Core(TM)i5-3450 CPU @ 3.10GHz

8.00 GB (RAM)
64-bit Operating system

Hard Disk Drive: 1 TB

If there's any info that needs to be mentioned please let me know Or if everything seems fine then a yes will be greatly appreciated.

Thank you :)


Whoa! Not true, you can run a GTX 780 off of a nice 600W PSU with your...
you don't need to worry about anything with those specs that you have mentioned. Everything looks perfectly fine and your cpu won't be bottle-necking your gpu. Only thing i would be suggesting you is to make sure your pc cabinet have decent amount air flow to keep your components cool. You are good to go :)
It depends on what motherboard you have, If you don't have a certain motherboard that doesn't support that graphics card then you can't run it, also you are going to need a 750 wattage or higher power supply unit. I have the 760 Graphics card (A step down of the 780) and I still need the 750, It doesn't matter how much RAM or what processor you have, It's all up to the motherboard and the PSU on whether you can use it or not. Also, like Speed demon said you are going to need a decent amount of air flow (Computer Fans) to cool it down. When I'm playing a GPU intensive game my GPU heats up my computer extremely fast and that's with 6 fans to cool it down.

Whoa! Not true, you can run a GTX 780 off of a nice 600W PSU with your current setup and since you have an Ivy Bridge CPU your motherboard will support the GTX 780 easily.

If you're going to get a GTX 780, which is a great card to get right now, I'd go with the ASUS GTX 780 DCUII GTX780-DC2OC-3GD5 http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00DWV3NM6. It's a great performer for the price. The ASUS DCUII is the best cooler on the market and it also comes with a custom PCB that has great VRM cooling.