Would the 'Antec 450W ATX Power Supply' Fit Into My Dell Vostro 200 Min-Tower Case?


Jul 24, 2015
So hi guys, I'm really new into like upgrading and things and i have no clue about compatibility issues or not, So. I thought i'd ask you guys this question if the Antec 450W ATX Power Supply would fit into my Dell Vostro 200 Mini-Tower case because i had this pc for like 5 or more years, And uh i'd like to make it a bit faster with upgrades, I'm currently getting a new CPU and Power Supply: http://ca.pcpartpicker.com/p/HCzbCJ <----- (Where you can see what i'm buying for it, Also i'd like to ask for some suggestions, Like tell me some things that would help make this pc better/faster! Thanks.) so yeah, Thanks everyone for reading and trying to help me out! Means allot. :)