Elix9000 :
Archaic59 :
Nobody said you can't overclock a locked i5. I know about the 4 boards from AsRock. As far as I know there are no others that allow BCLK overclock. Sorry I forgot to mention that Elix9000. Thank you damric.
Hey i have a small predicament, i revised the build (http://pcpartpicker.com/p/H7DQ8d) but i realized that with a monitor i will go 120$ over my budget, any ideas or tips?
Lose the extra cpu cooler, the SSD and the extra fans. You can still have a good system without those. Add the SSD later after you save some money. If you are not overclocking the cpu then you don't need the cooler. The stock Intel cooler will be fine. The case comes with enough fans for now. The savings come to $123. I realize it's hard to make sacrifices on a build you like but I made them in places where it won't have too big of an impact on your performance or quality.