Would this Custum build be any good for gaming ?


Jan 20, 2018
Im looking to buy a new computer and someone show what part i would need just wanna make sure its good for gaming and video editing!

Cooler MasterMB Lite 5 TG
MSI Z370-A Pro
Coolermaster 600w
Intel i5-8400 6-core
Kingstone 8GB 2400MHz
Seagate 2 TB
Window 10 home 64-bit license
MSI GTX Geforce 1050 ti aero

Thanks for your help!
The build looks good. While the stock CPU cooler may work fine I would suggest a quieter aftermarket cooler as it will keep it cooler over the stock Intel cooler.
PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

CPU Cooler: Cooler Master - Hyper 212 EVO 82.9 CFM Sleeve Bearing CPU Cooler ($28.49 @ OutletPC)
Total: $28.49
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2018-01-26 10:12 EST-0500

The case will support the EVO 212.

For the SSD I'd recommend a M.2 version as it will save space.
In general, it looks decently well suited for 1080p on medium settings.

What model of cooler master PSU are you looking it. They've had some good units and some that were not really good too.

A SSD is a nice add-on if you can afford it. Traditional HDD storage is still cheaper per gigabyte, and if you have a lot of games to install, you may run out of room way too fast if the SSD is your only drive.

As to the recommended aftermarket cooler... the 212 EVO is old and is outdone by the likes of the Cryorig H7 and the DeepCool Gammaxx 400, both of those can be had for around the same price. (I'd recommend the Cryorig myself.)