Would this upgrade from a 770 to this 1060 be a good choice?


Jun 27, 2016
I know it seems obvious, seeing as how im like, two generations behind, but the particular model im looking at is pretty small, which is probably giving me doubts. My current GPU (NVIDIA GTX 770) is starting to lag behind with the newer titles (obviously), so an upgrade is about due.

Also, if you couldn't tell by my spectacular GPU choices, im not exactly rolling in money, so im on a tight budget.
Thanks for any help you can offer!

-Zoey <3

Math Geek

it will be a good upgrade for you. don't worry about the small size of the card. the gpu is rather small and does not need a ton of cooling so the small design won't really effect much.

however, if you can wait a bit and save for a better card, it would be worth the wait. you're basically moving from a bit better than a gtx 960 to a bit better than a gtx 970 which is a good leap but could be better if you waited a while and turned some settings down for a while.