Would upgrading to VDSL make my life any easier?


Nov 20, 2014
I live in Greece,in a small town you could even call it a village which as you can tell by yourselves gets me nowhere when it comes to internet speeds.I get 12Megabits on DL and 0.8Megabits on UP.According to my ISP,my city doesn't support more than that.Is it true?Would upgrading to VDSL help me get bigger upload and download speeds?
Thanks in advance
Those are not horrible speeds, enough to stream HD and game easily, just not for more than one or two people at a time.

What upgrading to a different service would get you depends on your area. DSL speeds vary by area due to distance from central hub and quality of phone wiring in the residence and on the street.

VDSL is faster than ADSL, so if you have A and can get V, find out what the speeds are.

Sorry it took me so long to answer it's just that I wasn't getting any answers so I stopped checking.Anyway I will call my ISP and ask them if upgrading from ADSL to VDSL will do any difference to my line although they say the hubs support 12 MBPS max.By the way it's not good enough for streaming an HD video and playing a game at the same time because I live in Greece and many Game servers like CS:GO,LoL and some others are far away from my location so I generally get 90 Ping just by playing.If I stream an HD video I will get around 110 which for FPS games isn't as good 😛
does your isp have vdsl?

adsl- copper all the way to your house, speed depends on distance to exchange.
vdsl- fibre to the cabinet, copper from there to your house, speed depends on distance to cabinet.

if your company doesnt do vdsl, you are stuck with those speeds, and its a load of rubbish if they say your router can only do 12Mbps because the lowest wireless spec still to this day is 54Mbps, which could get you maybe 25-30Mbps i reckon. plus when you upgrade to vdsl you should get a newer router.
One last question and I am pretty much done.I asked my ISP and I can get VDSL with 50 MBPS Dl and 5 UP which I am pretty good with.
The question is does that affect Ping in-game? I mean I live in Greece and lets say a server is in germany.Is ping solely affected by location or DL/UP make a difference?
Generally speaking there should be no difference when you use the same line with ping. DL/UP speed don't make any difference. What does is the distance between you and server. With that said poor connection or big latency between you and the ISP mainframe could make a difference. Just ask some guys near you to tell you what's the ping between them and the server and you'll know. You can also type in cmd "tracert (server ip here)" to see where the biggest latency is. Between you and isp or between isp and server.

So DL/UP have no role in Ping/latency right? I am pretty far from the CS:Go Servers and I usually get 90-100 ping.At best I can get 75-80 but generally I get the first.Thanks,made things clearer :)