Would you buy a used gigabyte 660ti OC for $220


Feb 19, 2013
I found a guy selling a gigabyte 660ti OC for $220. He said nothing is wrong with it he sent a 560ti for repair and he received the 660ti as an rma. He bought a 680 when he sent the 560ti for repair. So its still in the box from the manufacturer unused. What do you guys think should I take the plunge or spend the extra $70 for brand new?
If it is still in the manufacturers box unopened, it is effectively new. Ask him if something breaks on it, if you can send it to him to send in for warranty work. Personally, I believe used products are great, if the seller can prove it works.

Why not exchange at one of your houses? Privacy reasons?
How can I verify its working before the hand off? I don't personally know the guys its a local listing that I responded too. We agreed to make the exchange by a walmart which is heavily populated. I seen the pictures everything is included.
Idk thats what he said. But I sent him a msg asking him to take a picture of gpu-z with his name and date on the picture. I brought the price down to $215 his original selling price was $250 but I guess he wants to get rid of it.

Actually, some companies, such as EVGA, often send a new card if the old one is discontinued. Most don't do that, but a few do, especially for older cards where it might cost them more to find one of the old ones than to just ship a new one.

Maybe, maybe not. I've heard of getting a 670 for a 570 RMA before, so it might be that you get the newest version of the model number. Of course, that'll also depend on the company's policies.
Got this as a response back to taking pics:
I dont have it installed. It would be too much work to take out my gtx 680 since it is water cooled. Warranty for gigabyte is based on serial number so you wont need proof of purchase to rma it.
--What do you guys think?
Thats the thing the components to my system are coming this week between amazon and newegg so have no means of testing it at my house just yet. Would you know if the only thing I'll need for an RMA is the serial number and not a receipt? I can't say i've ever sent anything in to be rma'ed except for the xbox 360 and the red lights of death.
Ok for an update I took the plunge and played crysis 2 i'm getting 55-60fps on ultra, d11, 1080p. Great deal got a $300 card for $215. I'm more than pleased. Went on the gigabyte website and the warranty is serial number based no receipt needed.