Would you get Dragon Age 3 with these specs?

The Cracker

Nov 22, 2014
First off let me establish right now I don't have the extra cash to make a motherboard and processor swap, and to be honest with the holidays rapidly approaching, I'm a little cheap right now.

But I want to play the new DA game so very bad.

Here is my issue.

The minimum requirements in terms of processor speed for DA 3 is for a AMD rig a quad 2.5 GHz. I have a quad 2.4 GHz AMD.

For the other specs, I far exceed the bare minimum.

DA 3 requires 4 gb ram, I have 8.
I also have a R9 270x with 2 gb ram.

Do you all think this will be enough to overcome the little I'm short on processor speed? They have minimums for a reason so I don't want to make a 60 dollar purchase I can't play. I also don't need the best of the best when it comes to graphic performance, I just want the gaming experience.

This site knows whats what better than all others, please help a cheapo out.

And thanks for the responses.
you'll be fine.. thats enough. but you can slap a cooler on and overclock your cpu if your cpu will allow you to. your gpu is a lot more important than the cpu as long as the cpu is decent. which yours is
you'll be fine.. thats enough. but you can slap a cooler on and overclock your cpu if your cpu will allow you to. your gpu is a lot more important than the cpu as long as the cpu is decent. which yours is