Wrong colors are being shown

Aug 6, 2018

After toying around with a bluetooth keyboard connected to an older laptop, my screen is weird. Black is red, and looks like a "modern" 8-bit color system, even though I've checked that it is running 32-bit. Doubt it is hardware, as the laptop was stationary. I've tried turning high contrast on/off, tried reinstalling drivers, tried running without drivers.. but Windows 8 is really confusing and I can't understand much of it..

Also, seems like black is mostly affected, as 90% of black is red.

I haven't tried hooking it up to another monitor as I currently am not home, also I can't reinstall Windows because.. well Windows 8 wants me to have the serial number and stuff like that, which I ofc don't have :) This is my dad's pc btw, hence the fact it is so old.

Help is much appreciated