I recently built a PC from leftovers I've had for quite a while. The motherboard, a Gigabyte F2A68HM-H Revision 1.1 is a bit new to what I am used to, less simplified and very bland in terms of the BIOS UI and I can't shake the feeling that my issue is related to it's BIOS. Basically, Windows 10 shows me that I have 12GB, of which 6.95GB is usable. I only have 2x4GB Corsair Vengeance Pro 2133MHz CL11 sticks occupying the only two slots it has. The reason I believe it is a BIOS issue is because I tried to turn off Window's virtual memory (pagefile) which I thought was somehow the culprit, fully wiped the HDD, reinstalled Windows 10 and still the issue persists. Why am I being shown more RAM than I have, yet less than what I have is usable?
-AMD A10-7860K APU
-Hyper 212 LED cooler
-Gigabyte F2A68HM-H motherboard
-8GB (2x4GB) Corsair Vengeance Pro 2133MHz RAM (Grey)
-MSI GTX 680 Twin Frozr III (2GB/OC)
-Corsair CX750M power supply
-Corsair Graphite Series 230T case
-2TB 7200RPM 64MB cache Seagate HDD
-Genuine Windows 10 Home (3/19/17 installation)
-AMD A10-7860K APU
-Hyper 212 LED cooler
-Gigabyte F2A68HM-H motherboard
-8GB (2x4GB) Corsair Vengeance Pro 2133MHz RAM (Grey)
-MSI GTX 680 Twin Frozr III (2GB/OC)
-Corsair CX750M power supply
-Corsair Graphite Series 230T case
-2TB 7200RPM 64MB cache Seagate HDD
-Genuine Windows 10 Home (3/19/17 installation)