WTB: FX-83xx or FX-63xx CPU, GA-990FXA-UD3/5


Aug 12, 2014
Hey all, I'm looking for an AMD 6 or 8-core CPU, but not really looking to pay more than $70.

Also interested in some 2X4GB RAM, GA-990FXA-UD3 or GA-990FXA-UD5 motherboard, and a PSU of at least 550w.

Located in the eastern US, but willing to pay for shipping from anywhere in the continental US. Thanks guys
I have a used 6350, but I am having a very hard time selling it. I was able to overclock it to 4.4GHz on stock cooling. So I feel like I got a lottery chip or something, and am having a hard time parting with it. I will make sure you are the first to know if I can convince myself to get rid of it. And I also believe in fair pricing. So if I decide to sell, I promise to have it at a fair price.

But in the mean time, I have a mildly used 7970 for sale.
go with FX6300
a very good enthusiast proc

if you are into 3d or video rendering go for fx-8320
but if not i highly recommend a fx6300

pick me a best answer so i can receive my badge
(only need 1 now)

This is the deals forum, he's looking to buy either CPU not make a decision on which one to buy.
good luck, I was looking for a cheap fx6300 awhile back too and anybody ever selling any I've seen are literally the same price they cost new so I never got one.....in an ideal world they would be $70 or below used since they're only like $100-110 brand new >_>

Ya really, I see beat up, possibly broken ones with a bunch of bent pins going on ebay for $60-70, it's crazy
I have a used 6350, but I am having a very hard time selling it. I was able to overclock it to 4.4GHz on stock cooling. So I feel like I got a lottery chip or something, and am having a hard time parting with it. I will make sure you are the first to know if I can convince myself to get rid of it. And I also believe in fair pricing. So if I decide to sell, I promise to have it at a fair price.

But in the mean time, I have a mildly used 7970 for sale.

I am also looking for an HD7850/7950, but I'd imagine your 7970 is out of my range.

How much you could you give me for the 7970?

hi bro i have a
GA-990FXA-UD5 for sale and i also have 600w psu im in the boston area let me know if still need them
Have 8120 I'll do $100 shipped.
Have a thermaltake black widow 80+bronze 850w I'll do $100 (have to calculate shipping) both are a year old but not used for more than 6 months before upgrading to 8350+ antec HCP 1000w. PSU still has like either 2 or 4 years on the warranty can't remember if it was 5 or 3 year warranty. Will supply proof of purchase if needed in future.

Shoot me a PM if interested. Although thread is pretty old....figured id throw what I got out there.
Actually I am still following this, though a bit less closely, as Im out of the country at the moment. I have everything except GFX and a CPU.