WTB Gigabyte G1 Sniper3 z77 1155 MOBO


Nov 27, 2013
As the title says wanted to buy new or used Gigabyte g1 sniper3 z77 1155 mobo. Willing to ship or meet in LA. If you're in CA. Pm me

i'm sure you know what you are doing and you prolly know they is not a noticeable difference between 2x16 and 2x8 to invest in another motherboard. the added latency of the PLX chip (since the CPU lanes assignments will not exceed 16 PCIe lanes) will detract from any gains. the work around in the X79 or X99 platform of 40 PCIe lanes with no induced latency. but with only a possible 1.5FPS gain in gaming performance really is not smart money spent. PCIe lane saturation just might have extended past PCIe 2.0, but the 3.0 version the saturation point is barely used.

good luck and hope it...
If you own it and it failed, don't you have a 3-year Warranty?

By my estimate the board hasn't even been out three years yet so I'm not sure who would be selling one. If it died they would likely RMA the board, and if it works I don't know why they'd sell it separately from the system.

i'm sure you know what you are doing and you prolly know they is not a noticeable difference between 2x16 and 2x8 to invest in another motherboard. the added latency of the PLX chip (since the CPU lanes assignments will not exceed 16 PCIe lanes) will detract from any gains. the work around in the X79 or X99 platform of 40 PCIe lanes with no induced latency. but with only a possible 1.5FPS gain in gaming performance really is not smart money spent. PCIe lane saturation just might have extended past PCIe 2.0, but the 3.0 version the saturation point is barely used.

good luck and hope it works out to your advantage.


This is absolutely correct.
You would be completely wasting your money as there would be no benefit.

*You should also know that modern Intel boards use PCIe version 3 and most/all? of the AMD boards use PCIe version 2. I add this so you don't confuse any articles that may show PCIe version 2 results.

PCIe version 3 has TWICE the bandwidth of version 2 so if even if you drop to effectively "x8" mode for each card that's still the same as "x16" mode for an AMD board.

**Regardless, as said there's absolutely ZERO real-world advantage with a different board since they couldn't even saturate PCIe version 2 with TWO Titan cards in "x8" mode so you are probably closer to 25% saturation so it's not even remotely close.