WTB I7 3770k or 2600k

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Looking to buy lightly used i7 2600k or 3770k, I'd trade my i5 3570k plus a tiny bit of cash for one as well, but not sure how a trade would work out...but anyway, Not looking to spend over 200 for an i7, wanting 8 threads for a good multitasking cpu, I've seen them go used for 200 on amazon/ebay before, people just snatch them up quickly, then there's the people selling them for more or the same price they were new years ago...makes no sense...somebody might as well just get a new haswell then lol.
I have a I7-2600K bought in October 2013 with retail box stock cooler and booklet PM me with your offer of the I5 and cash
My CPU has been water cooled since new and never over 58c mild oc to 4.2
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