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Thusly (Ken Rice) Spake Unto All:
>>> This is an RPG group. Stop emoting over Terry Schiavo.
>>> Even the US Supreme court would not touch it.
>>Who's Terry Schiavo? LOL
>A woman who has been in a coma for 15 years.
No she's not in coma. People wake up from comas. She's in a
"persistent vegetative state", which is an irreversible state. She's
got no awareness at all, all her higher brain functions are dead, only
reflex actions still function. Another term for this state is that
she's "cortically dead".
She's the proverbial vegetable, and has zero chance of even the
slightest recovery.
The reason the republicans fight so hard to keep a vegetable without
chance of recovery alive, is because if they can claim "right to life"
for a vegetable, that even the life of a vegetable is sacred, then
that can be used as ammunition in their upcoming attempt to overturn
Roe vs. Wade.
Conversely, if the life of a vegetable ISN'T sacred, then why is the
life of a small clump of cells?