X-Box vs. PC



Archived from groups: alt.games.morrowind (More info?)

Hello everyone.
I recently purchases an X-Box, and was wondering if anyone in the group
thought it would be worth getting Morrowind. I already have Morrowind for
Is the X-Box version the same, or different?


To know one's own desires, their meaning and their costs requires the
highest human virtue: rationality. - Ayn Rand


Archived from groups: alt.games.morrowind (More info?)

Craig Carter wrote:
> Hello everyone.
> I recently purchases an X-Box, and was wondering if anyone in the group
> thought it would be worth getting Morrowind. I already have Morrowind for
> PC.
> Is the X-Box version the same, or different?
The XBox is fairly similar to the original PC release, complete with
glitches, in terms of general playability. AFAIK all characters, items,
quests, discussion topics, graphics, etc. are the same. There may be
subtle differences I'm not aware of, but the locals here might have
better memories. :)

It does not have the enemy hit point gague (the yellow bar) seen in the
GOTY PC version; this is perhaps the most notable ongoing difference.
There are some display differences - ongoing magic effects, for example,
are at the top of the screen, and unlike the PC your info screens are
full-size so you have to page through them. (Personally I like a
full-page map, but it's too big a nuisance to get on the PC unless
there's some magic command I don't know.) There is also a lower
capacity for how many objects can be in a cell before the dreaded OLB
shows up, but unless you're an incorrigible packrat this isn't a problem.

There are some changes in certain interfaces - notably, when entering
text you can't just type it in; rather, you'll have to mess with a
virtual keypad. There are also differences in picking up and dropping
items which are a little hard to describe here.

The XBox also has a tendency to freeze and/or crash earlier and more
often than the computer version. If just doing the MQ and faction
quests this isn't likely to be a major problem, but with prolonged play
and the more you screw around with the scenery the more likely it is to
become a major PITA. And it takes longer to re-start after a crash.

The main long-term difference is that with the XBox you have no access
to console commands or mods - both essential for hardcore MW fans.

On the plus side, Morrowind on a PC will kill even a good mouse in short
order; XBox controllers are considerably more durable.

Minor points:
* XBox has a vibration function to alert you when getting hit; many
players find this very disconcerting. You can turn it off, tho.'
* On the XBox you can make potions with any 2 ingredients, even if they
don't produce an effect; the computer won't let you do that.
* Inverted Y-axis works *much* better on the XBox, if you're into that.
I use regular Y-axis on the PC because a mouse doesn't have the right
'feel' but with the XBox stick controls the inverted seems much more
natural. Your mileage may vary, of course.

In summary - XBox Morrowind is most useful to get your friends addicted
to it before they switch to the PC version.

-ED \1/

Deep Thought: If the Dwemer return, will they want their stuff back?


Archived from groups: alt.games.morrowind (More info?)

Craig Carter wrote:
> Hello everyone.
> I recently purchases an X-Box, and was wondering if anyone in the
> group thought it would be worth getting Morrowind. I already have
> Morrowind for PC.
> Is the X-Box version the same, or different?
> Thanks
> Carty

You play without mods?


Archived from groups: alt.games.morrowind (More info?)

"Craig Carter" <carty@worldnet.att.net> once tried to test me with:

> Hello everyone.
> I recently purchases an X-Box, and was wondering if anyone in the
> group thought it would be worth getting Morrowind. I already have
> Morrowind for PC.
> Is the X-Box version the same, or different?

The only difference between the GOTY Morrowind on Xbox and Morrowind +
expansions (or the GOTY) on the PC is that you can't use fan-made content
for the Xbox. Also the game runs at lower resolution, but if you've got a
nice TV and couch that can make up for it. Also I thought MW on Xbox was a
bit too dark (lighting wise).


Knight37 - http://knightgames.blogspot.com

Once a Gamer, Always a Gamer.


Feb 23, 2004
Archived from groups: alt.games.morrowind (More info?)

There is a GOTY edition for the X-Box that is very good to play. It's
exactly like the GOTY edition for the PC (at least, I've never SEEN any
diferences). Good game, and just as addictive.

The one difference I can note is the inability to put in cheat codes via the
console....might be a way to do it (certain keypress combinations or the
like) but I don't know of any.

Tom Clymer

"Craig Carter" <carty@worldnet.att.net> wrote in message
> Hello everyone.
> I recently purchases an X-Box, and was wondering if anyone in the group
> thought it would be worth getting Morrowind. I already have Morrowind for
> PC.
> Is the X-Box version the same, or different?
> Thanks
> Carty
> --
> To know one's own desires, their meaning and their costs requires the
> highest human virtue: rationality. - Ayn Rand


Archived from groups: alt.games.morrowind (More info?)

Thanks, this was the information I was looking for.
Yes I play with mods on PC, but was looking for some decent games for my
X-Box and thought Morrowind might be it.

"Duke Fenton" <dukefenton@adelphia.net> wrote in message
> Craig Carter wrote:
>> Hello everyone.
>> I recently purchases an X-Box, and was wondering if anyone in the group
>> thought it would be worth getting Morrowind. I already have Morrowind for
>> PC.
>> Is the X-Box version the same, or different?
> The XBox is fairly similar to the original PC release, complete with
> glitches, in terms of general playability. AFAIK all characters, items,
> quests, discussion topics, graphics, etc. are the same. There may be
> subtle differences I'm not aware of, but the locals here might have better
> memories. :)
> It does not have the enemy hit point gague (the yellow bar) seen in the
> GOTY PC version; this is perhaps the most notable ongoing difference.
> There are some display differences - ongoing magic effects, for example,
> are at the top of the screen, and unlike the PC your info screens are
> full-size so you have to page through them. (Personally I like a
> full-page map, but it's too big a nuisance to get on the PC unless there's
> some magic command I don't know.) There is also a lower capacity for how
> many objects can be in a cell before the dreaded OLB shows up, but unless
> you're an incorrigible packrat this isn't a problem.
> There are some changes in certain interfaces - notably, when entering text
> you can't just type it in; rather, you'll have to mess with a virtual
> keypad. There are also differences in picking up and dropping items which
> are a little hard to describe here.
> The XBox also has a tendency to freeze and/or crash earlier and more often
> than the computer version. If just doing the MQ and faction quests this
> isn't likely to be a major problem, but with prolonged play and the more
> you screw around with the scenery the more likely it is to become a major
> PITA. And it takes longer to re-start after a crash.
> The main long-term difference is that with the XBox you have no access to
> console commands or mods - both essential for hardcore MW fans.
> On the plus side, Morrowind on a PC will kill even a good mouse in short
> order; XBox controllers are considerably more durable.
> Minor points:
> * XBox has a vibration function to alert you when getting hit; many
> players find this very disconcerting. You can turn it off, tho.'
> * On the XBox you can make potions with any 2 ingredients, even if they
> don't produce an effect; the computer won't let you do that.
> * Inverted Y-axis works *much* better on the XBox, if you're into that. I
> use regular Y-axis on the PC because a mouse doesn't have the right 'feel'
> but with the XBox stick controls the inverted seems much more natural.
> Your mileage may vary, of course.
> In summary - XBox Morrowind is most useful to get your friends addicted to
> it before they switch to the PC version.
> -ED \1/
> Deep Thought: If the Dwemer return, will they want their stuff back?


Archived from groups: alt.games.morrowind (More info?)

"Craig Carter" <carty@worldnet.att.net> once tried to test me with:

> Thanks, this was the information I was looking for.
> Yes I play with mods on PC, but was looking for some decent games for my
> X-Box and thought Morrowind might be it.

I recommend:

Xmen Legends (action/RPG)
Jade Empire (action/RPG)
D&D Heroes (action/RPG)
Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance series (action/RPG)
Hunter the Reckoning (action/RPG)
Sudeki (action/RPG)
Halo (FPS)
Halo 2 (FPS)
Buffy the Vampire Slayer (3P action)


Knight37 - http://knightgames.blogspot.com

Once a Gamer, Always a Gamer.


Apr 5, 2004
Archived from groups: alt.games.morrowind (More info?)

Knight37 wrote:
> "Craig Carter" <carty@worldnet.att.net> once tried to test me with:
>> Thanks, this was the information I was looking for.
>> Yes I play with mods on PC, but was looking for some decent games
>> for my X-Box and thought Morrowind might be it.
> I recommend:
> Xmen Legends (action/RPG)
Some good reviews

> Jade Empire (action/RPG)
Some ok reviews.....but alittle dissappointment at what might have been

> D&D Heroes (action/RPG)
Dont know

> Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance series (action/RPG)
Good reviews

> Hunter the Reckoning (action/RPG)
Dont know

> Sudeki (action/RPG)
Hmmmm..........some very average reviews for this one

> Halo (FPS)
Over rated FPS......boring IMHO.......

> Halo 2 (FPS)
If you didnt learn the first time........this ones even shorter

> Buffy the Vampire Slayer (3P action)
Good reviews

What about GTASA?!?!
Open world (and pretty big)........fun missions........ability to shoot
innocent people.......and some RPG
elements.......cars,motorbikes,bicycles,planes,boats,trains & helicopters
all for the taking and riding.......
Recommended to use over 100hours of your time.........not bad for a console


Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
....why, other guards, of course!


Archived from groups: alt.games.morrowind (More info?)

Duke Fenton wrote:
> Craig Carter wrote:
> > Hello everyone.
> > I recently purchases an X-Box, and was wondering if anyone in the group
> > thought it would be worth getting Morrowind. I already have Morrowind for
> > PC.
> > Is the X-Box version the same, or different?
> >
> The XBox is fairly similar to the original PC release, complete with
> glitches, in terms of general playability. AFAIK all characters, items,
> quests, discussion topics, graphics, etc. are the same. There may be
> subtle differences I'm not aware of, but the locals here might have
> better memories. :)
> It does not have the enemy hit point gague (the yellow bar) seen in the
> GOTY PC version; this is perhaps the most notable ongoing difference.
> There are some display differences - ongoing magic effects, for example,
> are at the top of the screen, and unlike the PC your info screens are
> full-size so you have to page through them. (Personally I like a
> full-page map, but it's too big a nuisance to get on the PC unless
> there's some magic command I don't know.) There is also a lower
> capacity for how many objects can be in a cell before the dreaded OLB
> shows up, but unless you're an incorrigible packrat this isn't a problem.
> There are some changes in certain interfaces - notably, when entering
> text you can't just type it in; rather, you'll have to mess with a
> virtual keypad. There are also differences in picking up and dropping
> items which are a little hard to describe here.
> The XBox also has a tendency to freeze and/or crash earlier and more
> often than the computer version. If just doing the MQ and faction
> quests this isn't likely to be a major problem, but with prolonged play
> and the more you screw around with the scenery the more likely it is to
> become a major PITA. And it takes longer to re-start after a crash.
> The main long-term difference is that with the XBox you have no access
> to console commands or mods - both essential for hardcore MW fans.
> On the plus side, Morrowind on a PC will kill even a good mouse in short
> order; XBox controllers are considerably more durable.
> Minor points:
> * XBox has a vibration function to alert you when getting hit; many
> players find this very disconcerting. You can turn it off, tho.'
> * On the XBox you can make potions with any 2 ingredients, even if they
> don't produce an effect; the computer won't let you do that.
> * Inverted Y-axis works *much* better on the XBox, if you're into that.
> I use regular Y-axis on the PC because a mouse doesn't have the right
> 'feel' but with the XBox stick controls the inverted seems much more
> natural. Your mileage may vary, of course.

The *worst* part about the Xbox version of Morrowind (especially the
GOTY edition) has to be the "dirty disk" errors, which get annoyingly
frequent when your character has been built up and you've put in 50-60
hours. It's a great game otherwise, although I have to say I'm pretty
much done with it. I might be tempted to get an Xbox 360 to get
Oblivion, because I guess in theory at least that time around you could
download mods off of Live. PC version is better if you've got a decent

> In summary - XBox Morrowind is most useful to get your friends addicted
> to it before they switch to the PC version.
> -ED \1/
> Deep Thought: If the Dwemer return, will they want their stuff back?


Archived from groups: alt.games.morrowind (More info?)

TomClymer@Cox.Com wrote:
> There is a GOTY edition for the X-Box that is very good to play. It's
> exactly like the GOTY edition for the PC (at least, I've never SEEN any
> diferences). Good game, and just as addictive.

True, but the "dirty disk" errors for some of us with older drives can
get annoying.

> The one difference I can note is the inability to put in cheat codes via the
> console....might be a way to do it (certain keypress combinations or the
> like) but I don't know of any.
> Tom Clymer
> "Craig Carter" <carty@worldnet.att.net> wrote in message
> news:moEwe.371055$cg1.281499@bgtnsc04-news.ops.worldnet.att.net...
> > Hello everyone.
> > I recently purchases an X-Box, and was wondering if anyone in the group
> > thought it would be worth getting Morrowind. I already have Morrowind for
> > PC.
> > Is the X-Box version the same, or different?
> > Thanks
> > Carty
> >
> > --
> >
> > To know one's own desires, their meaning and their costs requires the
> > highest human virtue: rationality. - Ayn Rand
> >
> >


Archived from groups: alt.games.morrowind (More info?)

Knight37 wrote:
> "Craig Carter" <carty@worldnet.att.net> once tried to test me with:
> > Thanks, this was the information I was looking for.
> > Yes I play with mods on PC, but was looking for some decent games for my
> > X-Box and thought Morrowind might be it.
> I recommend:
> Xmen Legends (action/RPG)
> Jade Empire (action/RPG)
> D&D Heroes (action/RPG)
> Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance series (action/RPG)
> Hunter the Reckoning (action/RPG)
> Sudeki (action/RPG)
> Halo (FPS)
> Halo 2 (FPS)
> Buffy the Vampire Slayer (3P action)

Don't forget the Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic games, which
are RPGs. I also liked Prince of Persia: Warrior Within a lot.


Archived from groups: alt.games.morrowind (More info?)

Craig Carter wrote:
> Hello everyone.
> I recently purchases an X-Box, and was wondering if anyone in the group
> thought it would be worth getting Morrowind. I already have Morrowind for
> PC.
> Is the X-Box version the same, or different?
> Thanks
> Carty
> --
> To know one's own desires, their meaning and their costs requires the
> highest human virtue: rationality. - Ayn Rand

I have both, and the reason I have both is why I would recommend
foregoing the X-Box version. It is a double layer DVD, and the X-Box
does not deal with it very well. After much frustration and a couple of
replacement copies (the store guaranteed the discs) I found that not
all X-Boxes are equal. you can have one of three (as of two years ago;
maybe more now) different DVD drives. One of them was supposed to not
handle multi-layer DVDs at all. I traded my X-Box in for one with the
Sony? drive, and things got better, but it still crashed, just not as
often. I got tired of the bullshit and got the PC version.

That said, I like the X-Box interface better. The game play is
equivalent. Not having the mods available is a serious deficiency on
the X-Box.



Archived from groups: alt.games.morrowind (More info?)

hayes13@fadmail.com once tried to test me with:

> Don't forget the Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic games, which
> are RPGs. I also liked Prince of Persia: Warrior Within a lot.

I really liked PoP Sands of Time but I played it on the PS2.

I would recommend the PC version of KOTOR over the Xbox version. And yes, I
have both.


Knight37 - http://knightgames.blogspot.com

Once a Gamer, Always a Gamer.