The i3-4160 or similar is another very good choice depending on your budget. It can perform similar to an i5/i7 in most games.
The $100 difference might be better spent on a different graphics card. I'd get the i3-4160 for a scenario like this:
i3-4160 + GTX970
i5-4690K + GTX960
Also, keep in mind it's not just a new CPU but also a new copy of WINDOWS and a motherboard so even with the i3-4160 that's a minimum of about $300. If you need a half decent GPU that's at least $200 more (USA pricing).
It's worth mentioning, but future games may greatly minimize the amount of CPU processing required. It does this two way:
1) more efficient coding, and
2) can use more cores/threads
DX12 gaming won't be common but then the i3-4160 is doing pretty well so far so it's something to think about, again BUDGET being the biggest factor. I have disabled HALF my cores of my i7-3770K (comparable to an i3-4160) and discovered very little difference in most games.