X58 motherboard finally crapped out, best steps forward?


Jan 31, 2016
Hey all,

My Gigabyte X58 mobo finally died. It's been running since about 2010, and traversed 3 countries with me. No shock that the CPU pins finally had enough. Motherboard performance degraded slowly over time, until not it's completely unstable and has lost 3 of it's 6 DIMM slots. I've reseated the CPU on straightened pins enough times that's it's not worth the effort anymore.

Current setup:
Motherboard: GA-X58A-UD3R REV 2.0 (Dead)
CPU: i7-920 (4.2Ghz overclock on air)
RAM: 24 GB DDR3 (6x4GB sticks, not sure what clock)
GPU: 2x Sapphire R9-290 (in Crossfire)

My rig, when last stable, was able to game at the 1080p quality that I'm happy with. Last intensive games I was playing were FarCry Primal and Shadow of Mordor, usually at high to Ultra settings, 40+fps. These numbers may still have been affected by system instability.
I have 2x R9-290s that were running in Crossfire. The second one was acquired as an attempt to improve performance when my system started to get laggier, but I feel that may have actually been my motherboard slowly dying, since my single 290 was sufficient for the same games when I first bought it. In fact, since I'm aircooled, the crossfire setup could be heat-throttling me.

Main application is gaming at 1080p, perhaps with Eyefinity on 3(1024x1280) monitors. The Eyefinity is just if manage it with the 290s, I have no goals to upgrade just yet. This post tells me my current OC'd i7-920 shouldn't bottleneck much.

Which would be the best option?:

1) Buy a used X58 motherboard and continue using my i7-920. Main concern here is that I dislike buying used boards of that age, and I have no clue if OC-ing my processor for 4 years will have affected the processor's own performance. ~$200 CAD

2) Buy a new X58 branded ASUS/GIGABYTE motherboard (not sure if legit, since shipping from China), and carry on as normal. Least component changes. ~$350 CAD
Example 1, Example 2, Example 3

3) See if I can get a decent DDR3 motherboard/CPU combo for under those prices. I'm not too sure where the market sits right now; I haven't been CPU hunting in years. I've looked at the AMD FX-8350, but even that is 5 years old now. My system requirements don't justify any of the newer intel processor architectures. Would like to stick with DDR3, because of how much RAM I have sitting around.

Any and all advice appreciated here!
Go with both what you can afford and what you are happy with using, everyone here is going to tell you to upgrade to the latest but that comes at a cost.

1. New Motherboard on X58... ebay $90+us on average.. way over inflated for older hardware but the cheapest option.
2. AM3+ and a 8350.. performance is slightly better cost a little more than just a X58 motherboard.. $140+us for both MB and CPU while reusing your RAM

3. Build budget on LGA1151 or AM4.. here is where things start to get expensive. since your looking at around $400+

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

CPU: AMD - Ryzen 3 1200 3.1GHz Quad-Core Processor ($134.25 @ shopRBC)
Motherboard: ASRock - AB350M Pro4 Micro ATX...
I agree I would not invest anymore money into a Bloomfield based system, that CPU is a decade old. Like said above I would look aat an 8th gen intel system, or maybe AMD Ryzen if you are on a budget. I certainly wouldn't recommenced an FX 8350 system in 2017.
Go with both what you can afford and what you are happy with using, everyone here is going to tell you to upgrade to the latest but that comes at a cost.

1. New Motherboard on X58... ebay $90+us on average.. way over inflated for older hardware but the cheapest option.
2. AM3+ and a 8350.. performance is slightly better cost a little more than just a X58 motherboard.. $140+us for both MB and CPU while reusing your RAM

3. Build budget on LGA1151 or AM4.. here is where things start to get expensive. since your looking at around $400+

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

CPU: AMD - Ryzen 3 1200 3.1GHz Quad-Core Processor ($134.25 @ shopRBC)
Motherboard: ASRock - AB350M Pro4 Micro ATX AM4 Motherboard ($114.50 @ Vuugo)
Memory: Corsair - Vengeance LPX 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR4-3000 Memory ($149.99 @ Amazon Canada)
Total: $398.74
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

CPU: Intel - Core i3-8100 3.6GHz Quad-Core Processor ($154.99 @ Memory Express)
Motherboard: MSI - Z370 GAMING PLUS ATX LGA1151 Motherboard ($149.99 @ Memory Express)
Memory: Corsair - Vengeance LPX 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR4-3000 Memory ($149.99 @ Amazon Canada)
Total: $454.97
