X79 Board compatible with ECC Registered memory

Sep 12, 2015
I d like to use some Hynix 4GB ECC Registered sticks with an X79 board.

The exact model is

HMT151R7TFR4C-H9 D7 AB-C ECC/REG 4GB 240pin DIMM PC3-10600R Registered ECC

I ve succesfully used it in a Fujitsu dual CPU Server x58 board. I tried to use it in consumer X58 boards from Asus, Pegatron, Gigabyte without success even after updating to the latest bios.

I was wondering if you had some recommendations for an x79 board that s know to work well with ECC REG sticks.

I hear this board works with ECC memory https://www.asus.com/Motherboards/P9X79_WS/. It makes sense that it would work considering it's a workstation board. Just make sure you use a Xeon, i'm pretty sure that intel made ECC memory support Xeon exclusive.

Thanks, does it work with ECC Buffered/Registered Memory? Many boards work with ECC Unbuffered but not with Buffered/Registered
Have you tried Registered ECC on X79 board with Xeon E5 CPU?
i7 does not support ECC, but I was wondering if X79 will recognize registered ram with Xeon CPU, that would a perfect option to upgrade i7 to Xeon and RAM to registered to get more RAM.