X8 double bank



Archived from groups: alt.comp.hardware.homebuilt (More info?)

After spending some time figuring out my motherboard mfg's terminology
for ram, I find it doesn't matter to them which two of their three
DIMM slots I put two sticks of 512M into.




Any technical reasons (timing, capacitance, etc) I should start with
a particular pair ?

Two sticks, 512M, PC4000

Via K8T800 chipset


Archived from groups: alt.comp.hardware.homebuilt (More info?)

On Fri, 23 Apr 2004 01:43:49 -0700, more_lingo@egad.com wrote:

>After spending some time figuring out my motherboard mfg's terminology
>for ram, I find it doesn't matter to them which two of their three
>DIMM slots I put two sticks of 512M into.
>Any technical reasons (timing, capacitance, etc) I should start with
>a particular pair ?
>Two sticks, 512M, PC4000
>Via K8T800 chipset

Often it's most stable by filling the 1st and 3rd slots. Doesn't really
matter though if it's stable anyway but be sure to test with
http://www.memtest86.com for several hours before installing or booting to
an operating system.


Archived from groups: alt.comp.hardware.homebuilt (More info?)

On Fri, 23 Apr 2004 10:33:21 GMT, kony <spam@spam.com> wrote:

>On Fri, 23 Apr 2004 01:43:49 -0700, more_lingo@egad.com wrote:
>> yadayadayada...

>Often it's most stable by filling the 1st and 3rd slots. Doesn't really
>matter though if it's stable anyway but be sure to test with
>http://www.memtest86.com for several hours before installing or booting to
>an operating system.

Good idea.

Since these boards are so fussy, a guy on google suggests running one
ram stick to load up the OS before experimenting with two sticks.

I'll build with 1, and later give 1&3 a try.