x86 64-bit CPU in XboX one?


Feb 6, 2011
I've always understood that x86 = 32-bit OS, or 32-bit CPU, and x64 = 64-bit OS, or 64-bit CPU.

I'm seeing a lot lately that the Xbox One is using a Jaguar x86 64bit CPU...

How is this logic coming to be? x86 is the structure of the CPU, and the 64bit is the capability of processing? :pt1cable:

I'm a bit sloppy on my x-XX's now. Can someone elaborate for me?
x86 is the "architecture" which was originally 8-bit (8086) & MS-DOS, then 16-bit (80286) processors & Windows 3.1, then 32-bit when the 80386/80486 came out & Windows 95 (16/32-bit hybrid) and NT (fully 32-bit). Then 64-bit with the Itanium / Opteron / Athlon64 CPU's and 64-bit variants of XP onwards.

These days, "x64" refers to the 64-bit versions of modern OS's & applications, whilst "x86" usually refers to 32-bit versions of same. If it helps to solve confusion, technically you could write / treat them as x86-32 & x86-64.

So they're running a hybrid CPU? Or running 32-bit applications on their 64-bit CPU? (referring to the title the xbox one is claiming a x86 64-bit cpu.)

Sorry, I should have clarified. Windows 95/95/ME was a "hybrid" OS design with some parts in 32-bit and some in 16-bit. (That's partly why it crashed a lot, LOL). Windows NT was the first "proper, flat" 32-bit MS OS (which later become 2000/XP/7/8, etc). The CPU's themselves are fully 32/64 bit, and all 64-bit CPU's can run 32-bit OS's, etc. XB1 & PS4 have fully 64 bit CPU's. In fact the XBox360 & PS3 are 64-bit too (non-x86 though).

Using x86 & 64-bit together doesn't contradict each other. The former is the base instruction set / "programming language" of the CPU - the latter is which "generation" of that set is used - x86 has had 8->16->32->64 bit CPU's, OS's & apps over the years. Nearly all modern CPU's & consoles are 64-bit, and "x86" has just become shorthand-slang for "32-bit x86", whereas "64" is spelled out simply because it's new and many are still using 32-bit versions of OS's & apps. The "64-bit CPU" marketing term isn't really that new, and hasn't been for years.

sorry to bump an old thread but i had the urge to reply

the xbox 360 and ps3 use an entirely different architecture than x86 which you already mentioned
but i wanted to add that
the only similarity they share in common is they are both 32/64
however after that they differ in the fact that not only do they use a different instruction set but you can't use one instruction set on another as it has an incompatible architecture hard coded into the processor
the xbox 360 is powerpc whereas the ps3 is cell and a desktop computer is x86
if you took x86 windows and tried running it on an xbox 360 i guarantee it wouldn't run even if you somehow got a copy installed onto a platter drive and tried using it on a jtagged xbox 360
and not only that but if you did get it running it would run slow or buggy
one or the other or both
it already been tried on a nintendo wii using dosbox
with the same results just mentioned.
however an operating system like linux which is compact in size and has several different versions for different architectures
might be able to run on an xbox 360 just fine, it's already been proven to work on a ps3 which i'm pretty sure you already know considering you're an intelligent person and probably look into things like this.