X99 and 5820 temps


Mar 17, 2016
I have a x99 3.1 pro with the 5820k cooled with a hyper 212 at idle i am getting 56-62c. If i run csgo at max setting twmps don't change? I am using cpu core temp to monitor temperatures. Any idea what could he causing this? About a week ago it wouldn't go past 45c
1. Bad thermal paste application
2. Bad mounting
3. Weak fan(s)
4. Inappropriate speed control of fans.
5. Dud fan(s)

A 212 is a bit optimistic to use on a 140W chip that can reach over 200W when overclocked. It costs under $30 for a reason. I'd have chosen a $50-ish cooler at the minimum.
Well, ask yourself what might have changed in the week? did the PC get moved? did a fan conk out? Is there a lot of dust inside it? Are your room temperatures suddenly a lot higher? Did the ventilation around the PC change (like did you throw a blanket over it? 😛) I mean, really, if nothing changed, then the temps should remain where they were.
Nothing has changed. 40c seems hot for idle to me from what i see online. Now at 60 its a bit concerning. If anything room tenp has gone down a bit. I will double check heatsink fan but 95% sure its in place
1. Bad thermal paste application
2. Bad mounting
3. Weak fan(s)
4. Inappropriate speed control of fans.
5. Dud fan(s)

A 212 is a bit optimistic to use on a 140W chip that can reach over 200W when overclocked. It costs under $30 for a reason. I'd have chosen a $50-ish cooler at the minimum.