x99 rampage v10 wont boot up after watercooled

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Jul 9, 2015
So I just built a water cooled pc with the new titan xp, 6950x, rgb trident z and we got all of our tubes bent tubes fit in the fittings and everything turns on except for the top portion of the ram. The bottom portion turns on perfect, also, when we plug it in, nothing happens. The boot menu does not pop up or anything. What is wrong? My build is x99 asus rampage v10, intel i7 6950x, 64gb gskill tident z rgb, evga 1600w T2, gtx titan xp, ekwb asus rampage full motherboard block, ekwb titan x pascal water block.
That could be a multitude of things. First thing I'd try is be sure all of your power connections are securely tight. I had the same issue with my last build and it turned out I didn't seat my motherboard power well enough (even though it looked perfect).

If that doesn't work; unplug everything but the pump to your loop and, if you have one; put a 24 pin blank (or use the paper clip/staple method) to trick the PSU into thinking it's plugged into a motherboard. Turn the power supply on and see if the pump starts. Or if you have a way to check power (i.e. Digital Multimeter) - keep the blank plugged in and test all PSU ports.
That could be a multitude of things. First thing I'd try is be sure all of your power connections are securely tight. I had the same issue with my last build and it turned out I didn't seat my motherboard power well enough (even though it looked perfect).

If that doesn't work; unplug everything but the pump to your loop and, if you have one; put a 24 pin blank (or use the paper clip/staple method) to trick the PSU into thinking it's plugged into a motherboard. Turn the power supply on and see if the pump starts. Or if you have a way to check power (i.e. Digital Multimeter) - keep the blank plugged in and test all PSU ports.
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