X99 Sabretooth asst_fan

You shouldn't use assistant fan header for case/radiator. No idea what it would do :), but rather save it as last option. If you use it (if connector is even compatible with assist fan header) make sure to check that fan in control software you got with your motherboard and set properly it's priorities for cooling, because motherboard will assume it's assist fan which is at specific location and will set it's priorities for cooling differently than you would like for example for case fan.

For your case if you lack connectors on board you should put 2 fans on one header (using Y splitter cable). So if you got for example 2 push fans on radiator put them on one header and if you got another 2 on pull put those 2 on second header...


Apr 28, 2014
Its port for assistant fan you should have bundled with your motherboard. It's small (40mm) fan which should be used to help airflow under thermal armor. You should check installation manual to see how and where to install it.


Jan 17, 2016
I'm in the process of building a new system and have trouble getting my head around the asst_fan connections.

The problem I'm having is that I need 9 fan connections, 5 pwm fans on radiators and 3 DC air flow fans and 1 for the pump. Will the Radiators fans be ok on the asst_fan headers as there are 5 of them?

I Only ask because in the manual it's says "To fully use the fans control function, ensure that you connect only assistant fan to the asst_fan connections"

Sorry but I have no idea what a assistant fan is lol.

Thanks for any help.


Apr 28, 2014
You shouldn't use assistant fan header for case/radiator. No idea what it would do :), but rather save it as last option. If you use it (if connector is even compatible with assist fan header) make sure to check that fan in control software you got with your motherboard and set properly it's priorities for cooling, because motherboard will assume it's assist fan which is at specific location and will set it's priorities for cooling differently than you would like for example for case fan.

For your case if you lack connectors on board you should put 2 fans on one header (using Y splitter cable). So if you got for example 2 push fans on radiator put them on one header and if you got another 2 on pull put those 2 on second header. Motherboard should handle it np and both fans will be getting same signal = same speed.

Assistant fan is small 40mm fan which is bundled with your motherboard as I wrote it's meant to help airflow under thermal armor Sabertooth motherboard use. I got 2 such fans on my Z97 Sabertooth.