X99P- SLI problem(?)


Aug 5, 2016
Hello, I bought parts for a new computer a few days ago. Building it went smooth and was eager to start it up for the first time. Plugged all the cables in, started it but it didn't start. Instead the motherboard(X99P-SLI) speaker started beeping like crazy after about 5 seconds. The beeping only stops when the computer restarts. Same thing again when it restarts. At first I thought it was the RAM so I tried all the RAM sticks one by one to see if that was the problem but it wasn't. Ofcourse it can be the RAM but I doubt four brand new sticks can be faulty. I changed graphics card and PSU but the beeping was still there. So then it hit me that it might be the CPU. It's an Intel i7 6850K and I read over the internet that the X99P BIOS might be old and is not compatible with my 6850K until I have updated the BIOS. But ofcourse this motherboard does not have Q Flash Plus or any other method to update the BIOS without a CPU. I do not know 100% if that is the problem and I also don't know how the computer tells that it doesn't recognize the CPU. The beeps maybe? Can also add that the computer doesnt send any signals to my monitors. It just beeps and restarts. I'm asking this here so I can be 110% sure that is the problem so I can get a refund on the motherboard and order something a bit newer with updated BIOS. Thanks in advance
15 seconds of beeping then a restart right? That means the CPU is not recognized. Unfortunately your board doesn't support "Q-Flash Plus" - you WILL need a working Haswell-E CPU to update the BIOS. Since you don't have one of those, just return it.
I contacted Gigabyte directly because I wanted to know if I would need to update BIOS prior to using a 6850k. That is in fact what has to happen. I just ordered a cheap Xeon processor, used it to update the BIOS, and had a friend sell the Xeon CPU on eBay. My computer is running the 6850k just fine now. I also never tried installing the 6850k prior to updating BIOS.