Xbone for Halo?


Jan 8, 2016
I am mainly a computer guy but is it worth it for buying an Xbone soley for Halo? Halo was one of my childhood games and dont want to regret my purchase.
I have played Halo on Xbone (I have one myself), the gaming is worth it. But if you're wanting to buy an Xbone just for that, save it. You would get the same effects playing it on a PC and hooking your visual up to a TV (if your PC can handle those graphics).
I have played Halo on Xbone (I have one myself), the gaming is worth it. But if you're wanting to buy an Xbone just for that, save it. You would get the same effects playing it on a PC and hooking your visual up to a TV (if your PC can handle those graphics).
I get the feeling Jay is talking about the newer Halo 5 or MCC, which are not available on PC.

Anyway, pretty subjective question. I play everything on PC except for console exclusives, which I have a PS4 and Xbone for. In hindsight I'll think it's not worth it every time (I hate that the console doesn't get much use after Halo/Bloodborne or whatever the exclusive is), but that probably won't stop me from getting the new Xbox for the new Halo later as I love the series.

No one can tell you if you'll regret it though...
I'm a pretty huge die hard halo fan. Really got into it around 3 and played the snot out of reach when I was in high school.

That being said, and having played Halo 5 myself, just get battlefield 4. Halo doesn't even feel unique anymore. 343 is just ripping ideas from COD and battlefield anyway, and they're not even doing a good job of it.