xbox 360 emulator

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The issue with that is that it is totally illegal. The copyrighted BIOS of the system has to be present in order to emulate the game. They will probably not have one for a long long time...
Its not a factor of processing ability. Any 3 yr old $600 PC with dedicated graphics has more processing power then a ps4 or xbox one right now.

It is a mater of figuring out every proprietary format and coding on the system that allows the games to play. Sony and Microsoft don't just give that away once they release a new model (which is likely based on a large amount of the proprietary code.

Emulators are made from people that was able to completely decode the gaming platform either because the OEM did not make it difficult at all (remember sega dreamcast), or because the console is so old that the OEM has nothing to loose (nes, snes, Gameboy, etc).

Not to mention the simple fact that any console from a single generation ago still has patents and copyright on that code so any emulator would be completely illegal.
Kotaku had a story where they talked about a Xbox 360 emulator and showcased a video of it, but the gist of the article was "It's completely illegal, and even if it wasn't completely illegal, it barely runs properly even for the developers."
If they can get the timing of various BUS and CPU's of the PS3 and Xbox to be in synch then they could get a working one for the PC but even then plugins will have to be made like how Project 64 has the Rice Plugin.

These consoles while may be similar to a PC are very different on the inside and often superior because of them being dedicated to gaming where a PC is designed to do multi tasking not necessarily high end gaming.

Just like how arcades were always superior until the 90s when home consoles were able to play catch up which is what made it a treat to play the same game on the arcade version at the pizza parlor which the machine was totally dedicated too doing which all the machine subsets were to do only one thing in the end result no multi tasking.
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