XBox 360 Stuck


May 17, 2009
My nephew has an XBox360, the latest model not the older beige ones, that is stuck on an update screen that has no options to quit or back out of.

Error: 3f45-3f4a-b800-0f00-c000-c0013

From what I know, someone stuck a game (GTA5) in the console and it tried to update but the system wasn't plugged into the network or anything and the disc was kinda scuffed up. The guy (not overly bright) got pissy and chucked the disc out. Now my nephew is stuck on this screen.

I tried posting to the xbox forum, but, no 'new thread' buttons or anything so can't add... not sure if my account has an issue or the site.

Anyways... can't get out of thye screen so, simply running an update isn't an option. I tried putting an update onto a CD and onto USB and doesn't do anything either. Tried holding in the power button, power/sync, any kinda of reset combo I could think of but also, no luck.

So... xbox is stuck on the error screen, and it's the only screen accessible.

Any ideas?
There are lots of small, different updates that achieve the same goal. The only hope is to try a copy of GTA5, as it should have the EXACT same update as before. Once you get stuck in an update from a certain game, it needs that games again. USB sticks, other games, etc, can't get out of it.

About the only thing I can think of.
Sucks that they don't have some sorta reset... like if my computer gets messed up I can put an install disc in, reboot and just format and start over.

Not sure if can get a copy of that game... and worried if I buy him one, it may be a different edition/print or something (I don't play console games so no idea what versions of GTA5 there are).

Rare time when I miss video rental stores.
Yes... tried on USB, CD... before and after turned on, restarted with plugged in, etc... wouldn't work. Furthest I could get was it at least trying to read then telling me update not on disc or something like that because would only look for the location where the update started from... can't recall the exact wording because was in July when this originally started.

I got a copy of GTA5 thinking it would work, but now the controller won't connect... very annoying. Also why I don't buy consoles... at least on a desktop computer, push comes to shove I can format C:\ and start over again. This is my nephew's system. If it was mine I'd sell it as parts and move on but, he's a bit upset about the whole thing so I'm kinda stuck trying. :S
Mmm cant remember if you have to copy the system folder with that update too. Take the files out of that system folder then try again..If the files are in that system folder

Turn it off for a few secs then back on. Put the flash drive in first before you turn it on
Well, back when it happened I tried everything and finally was told on this and another forum to get the GTA5 disc because update is stuck and needs the same version of update to complete but, can't get it to even try now that the controller won't connect. Lights up and tries but won't sync at all.

Was hoping there would be some sorta fix for it either software or some kinda master flash/reset procedure to force through a firmware or something like an iPhone has or something.
So... found a post that said to open the CD drive, take the disc out, pull the power cord out, push the drive back halfway, plug in, turn on... when comes to the error, put the CD in.

Tried... got the screen up where it's trying to update, which quickly goes to about 60%, hangs there and then the error.

Tried USB again, and after maybe 5% says can not read from disc, and the rest of the original error as well. Put the disc in, and same deal... 60% and error.

No hard drive. Saw a post saying to reseat the drive. This has the internal 4GB. I'm assuming if the memory board is shot I'd get no screen at all?
The 360 has a recovery mode of some kind, but I'm not sure if it'll fix anything. The following should trigger a factory reset.

Remove all discs and external drives from your Xbox, then power it off. Press the middle button on your controller to power it back on and, as soon as you see the led ring light up on the console, hold down the Y button and the right trigger.
The Xbox logo should show, but you need to keep those buttons pressed.
Eventually, it will reboot, and at that point you can stop pressing the two buttons.

I used this once, but on an arcade model (white/beige, bulky old model); the slim one (black, sleek new models) should have it too.
Sadly nothing... even bought a USB cable to connect to the controller thinking because it wasn't linking, maybe a direct connection will work... I can power it on with the controller now, but nothing else has changed.
You said you borrowed the game from someone else, and that the update didn't complete. I took the time to google around, and most people reporting similar issues ALL tried to use a pirated copy of the game or got their 360 modded.

I'm sorry, but I've got to ask you these two questions before actually answering anything else.
1) Is your console modded?
2) Was the GTA 5 disc a legally bought copy of the game or not?

We're talking about kids, and this should have honestly struck me sooner, but even a kid wouldn't chuck away a 60$ disc just because "update didn't work", especially if the game is a GTA episode...
Well, as far as I know...

1) He bought the XBox used from a family that never used it. Has the built in flash memory only not an external drive or anything, just the base bare bones model. I doubt they did, and he said he never did either.

2) Original copy... nephew could care less if original or pirated so wouldn't lie about it either way.

He knows I'm trying to help, and I've explained that if it's been modded or a pirated copy I need to know because might be the difference between his xbox working or being junk so, I'm assuming he's being honest.

As for tossing out a copy of the game... that kid has some mental/anger issues and is a spoiled brat.... he's smashed iphones and a laptop before, a $60 game is nothing. His solution for having killed the xbox is just buy another.
I'm sorry to hear that...
Well, we can assume the disc was legit, but there's no way knowing if the console is as it is now. If the modding job was sloppy, you will see some dents and irregularities on the back (as if something was forcefully stuck between the plastic parts); can you please check that?

If no dents are visible, it might have been done professionally. This way, your only option would be to contact the family you bought the console from and make sure they didn't buy it pre-modded. As a side note, people selling them on ebay tends to advertise them as "universal" consoles, if they're modded.

For all I know and for all I've read, in the case of an Xbox 360, mods can come in form of an external hard drive + a physical mod, a modchip or a flashed drive firmware. Should any of the three be found when an update triggers from a legit disc, the update will either kill the mod (becomes a legit console again), kill the console (doesn't power on at all), make it become stuck at an update, or go through without a hitch.
If we can make sure the console wasn't modded, you could send it back by paying the repair fees rather than buying it anew, otherwise I'm afraid you're pretty much "stuck between a rock and a hard place"...
Last time I had to repair mine for a RRoD I payed about 70€; it's not cheap, I'll give you that, but it beats paying at least two times that amount...
It doesn't look to have been tampered with, or at least not sloppily... I think my nephew is simply out of luck on this one. I've spent way too much time on it and know way too little about consoles to want to spend any more time than I have. Definitely don't want to spend my money on it either. :)

Well, thanks for the help... but it does seem to be stuck between a rock and a hard place at this point.

... another reason why I just use a computer. Easier to fix. 😀
Well, you can't say you didn't even try at least :)

I'm sorry for your nephew (and obviously for you losing time on this matter), but can always hope for an insane christmas sale, if you perhaps change your mind about spending your money for him 😀
If you're still looking for a solution, what version update did you try putting on the USB? The second set of digits in the error code (3F4A) is the update number in hexadecimal form, converted back to decimal is 16202. Try putting that exact version on the USB stick, it should work.

Thread was about 9-10 months ago... no idea what happened to the xbox, probably used as parts or something.

We did try another copy of GTA that a co-worker had... assuming same version, but didn't work. At that point just gave up.