Xbox 360 [VGA Adpater Issue]


Jul 14, 2012
I recently purchased a $10 Xbox 360 VGA adapter to be used with my monitor. My current issue is that the resolution seems to be yielding some unsightly shadowing along lines and wording. It's as if though everything is overlapping multiples of one another. The resolution is set at the native screen of 1920x1080. Could this be a fault of the adapter itself or is this just a side effect of VGA conversion?
I have no idea,

but may I ask you to test this out on your tv by sitting really close to the tv and seeing if it's there as well?

Alternatively just wiggle the cable a bit, (nothing aggressive)

It could be the cable or I suspect it's normal because you are sitting close it's allot more noticeable now...

Have you tested it out on multiple games?
It's every game. I suppose it could be the cable simply because the Microsoft version is a bit more pricey than the off brand I purchased. So my only assumption would be... cheaper price, cheaper materials. But I wanted some clarification on this before I decided. It's not the distance. It's really bad when it comes to anything graphically intensive. At any distance I can notice how blurred some things can be. The lines also go away if I reduce the resolution to around 720 or lower. But once I go beyond that, it seems to degrade in quality. The Xbox and monitor are both designed to cap at 1080, so I know it's not a resolution issue with those.