C cleo the cat Reputable Sep 26, 2014 1 0 4,510 Sep 26, 2014 #1 when I try to turn my Xbox it makes the ding but doesn't turn on. I tried different outlets and even a new power supply but it still doesn't work. it also doesn't make a noise when I use the new power supply. What should I do?
when I try to turn my Xbox it makes the ding but doesn't turn on. I tried different outlets and even a new power supply but it still doesn't work. it also doesn't make a noise when I use the new power supply. What should I do?
turkey3_scratch Expert Ambassador Jul 15, 2014 22,627 8 60,960 Sep 26, 2014 #2 Does the light turn on? Do you hear the fans and other noise from inside, or does it immidiately turn right off? Is this a 360 or One? Upvote 0 Downvote
Does the light turn on? Do you hear the fans and other noise from inside, or does it immidiately turn right off? Is this a 360 or One?
iNonEntity Reputable Sep 1, 2014 206 0 4,710 Sep 28, 2014 #3 It's an Xbox One (The 360 doesn't have a powerup beep) Upvote 0 Downvote
turkey3_scratch Expert Ambassador Jul 15, 2014 22,627 8 60,960 Sep 28, 2014 #4 iNonEntity : It's an Xbox One (The 360 doesn't have a powerup beep) For some reason I thought the Elite did... Upvote 0 Downvote
iNonEntity : It's an Xbox One (The 360 doesn't have a powerup beep) For some reason I thought the Elite did...