Xbox One May Be Getting Mouse Support

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Feb 27, 2005
I always had the mindset that if they added keyboard & mouse to the console then it basically becomes a computer. Albeit, a closed shitty one. Just buy/build a real one ffs.


May 22, 2008
I always had the mindset that if they added keyboard & mouse to the console then it basically becomes a computer. Albeit, a closed shitty one. Just buy/build a real one ffs.

PCs don't have the first party games that the consoles get, that's why I like consoles.


I always had the mindset that if they added keyboard & mouse to the console then it basically becomes a computer. Albeit, a closed shitty one. Just buy/build a real one ffs.

PCs don't have the first party games that the consoles get, that's why I like consoles.

So you get Bloodborne and then two dozen really shitty, broken, or underwhelming games. Totally worth it.

Larry Litmanen

Jan 22, 2015
Adding a Keyboard and Mouse not only will make shooters better but more importantly it will allow XBOX players to play strategy games that are PC exclusives now, Age of Wonders, Pillars and such. These are not very demanding games to begin with.

This is great, MS is really doing a good job.


Aug 5, 2009
I always had the mindset that if they added keyboard & mouse to the console then it basically becomes a computer. Albeit, a closed shitty one. Just buy/build a real one ffs.

PCs don't have the first party games that the consoles get, that's why I like consoles.

So you get Bloodborne and then two dozen really shitty, broken, or underwhelming games. Totally worth it.

lets see here...

uncharted 2
uncharted 3
little big planet
disgaea 3
disgaea 4
till recently valkyria chronicles
demon souls
dark souls till recently too
mgs 4
enslaved for a while too
gran trismo

now i want to go over to the 360,

forza 4
lost odyssey
saints row
red dead redemption

and those are just the ones i have in my room for me to see, there are a ton more that are fantastic games that will never make their way to the pc.

you want to go with the wiiu ps4 and xbone... right now only the wiiu is worth it due to its exclusives, the bone and ps4 still have some catch up work to do.


Nov 8, 2013
mouse users gonna dominate FPS games. But really, they needed mouse support to gain market share in MMOPRGS.
They already do via the use of products like the Ximm. It's patently obvious how advantageous it is to use a mouse in these sorts of games. First thing that comes to mind is Destiny's Trials of Osiris, a new competitive PvP mode that rewards players for wining 9 straight wins. Went up against a team using Ximms and mice...quite painful.

Vlad Rose

Apr 7, 2014
Saints Row series is on PC.

Outside that, all systems (PC,PS,XB) have their strong and weak titles. Most titles end up released on all platforms; outside Nintendo's franchises (which may change someday).
I've been using a keyboard with my PS3 for years (albeit only for typing/texting), and use one for my PS4 to extend mapped buttons for Project Cars as my wheel doesn't have enough buttons. It's up to both the game developers and the console makers as to how much peripheral support they get.

Nevertheless, representatives from both MS and Sony have stated that they have no intention of fully supporting the mouse and keyboard for gaming. They won't admit as to why, but it's common knowledge that using a mouse and keyboard is an advantage over a controller in shooters and RPGs in the PC gaming world.


Feb 15, 2013
I always had the mindset that if they added keyboard & mouse to the console then it basically becomes a computer. Albeit, a closed shitty one. Just buy/build a real one ffs.

Proves what you know about consumers and computers. Regular people buy console precisely they don't want to bother with building a PC. Secondly, PCs are more expensive precisely because the games are not optimized for PC, requiring more hardware, a PS4 and Xbox one is just one supped up AMD APU, although the PS4 does have about 4 extra gpu cores than the Xbox One. Accroding to your logic why are intel chips not inside a console. Games are optimized for Consoles because developers only have to deal with one set of hardware in a console. Companies code for consoles precisely because people buy consoles because consoles cost just as much if not less than building a high powered PC

Vlad Rose

Apr 7, 2014
The biggest advantage of consoles is a unified architecture, meaning that a game can be developed for one set of hardware; theoretically requiring only an "insert disk and go" method. With companies lately being so lazy with their development though, day one patches are now required just to play; negating that advantage.


Feb 15, 2013



Dec 15, 2005
Unfortunately people are probably overreacting to this a bit. Mouse support is likely just for compatibility with universal Windows 10 apps. But it'd be nice to support for games API too.


Jul 7, 2008
I always had the mindset that if they added keyboard & mouse to the console then it basically becomes a computer. Albeit, a closed shitty one. Just buy/build a real one ffs.

PCs don't have the first party games that the consoles get, that's why I like consoles.

So you get Bloodborne and then two dozen really shitty, broken, or underwhelming games. Totally worth it.

lets see here...

uncharted 2
uncharted 3
little big planet
disgaea 3
disgaea 4
till recently valkyria chronicles
demon souls
dark souls till recently too
mgs 4
enslaved for a while too
gran trismo

now i want to go over to the 360,

forza 4
lost odyssey
saints row
red dead redemption

and those are just the ones i have in my room for me to see, there are a ton more that are fantastic games that will never make their way to the pc.

you want to go with the wiiu ps4 and xbone... right now only the wiiu is worth it due to its exclusives, the bone and ps4 still have some catch up work to do.
anything worth mentioning from the newest gen? you know, the one that's almost 2 years old now?


Jul 7, 2008
I always had the mindset that if they added keyboard & mouse to the console then it basically becomes a computer. Albeit, a closed shitty one. Just buy/build a real one ffs.

PCs don't have the first party games that the consoles get, that's why I like consoles.

So you get Bloodborne and then two dozen really shitty, broken, or underwhelming games. Totally worth it.

lets see here...

uncharted 2
uncharted 3
little big planet
disgaea 3
disgaea 4
till recently valkyria chronicles
demon souls
dark souls till recently too
mgs 4
enslaved for a while too
gran trismo

now i want to go over to the 360,

forza 4
lost odyssey
saints row
red dead redemption

and those are just the ones i have in my room for me to see, there are a ton more that are fantastic games that will never make their way to the pc.

you want to go with the wiiu ps4 and xbone... right now only the wiiu is worth it due to its exclusives, the bone and ps4 still have some catch up work to do.
anything worth mentioning from the newest gen? you know, the one that's almost 2 years old now?


Jun 1, 2006
This is why I love my shield devices ... It does what I want without much of any hiccups. Streaming in 4k from my steam pc with keyboard and mouse support is already there


May 18, 2012
The biggest advantage of consoles is a unified architecture, meaning that a game can be developed for one set of hardware; theoretically requiring only an "insert disk and go" method. With companies lately being so lazy with their development though, day one patches are now required just to play; negating that advantage.

Except that it's not being developed for a single architecture. It's being developed for two, three, four different platforms, unless the developer is too lazy and makes their game a console-specific exclusive.

At least with the PC you can adjust your game to your PCs capabilities. Fancy playing in 4K at 60Hz? Fine. Prefer HD at 120Hz? You can do that too.

It's clear that consoles are gradually moving towards becoming PCs, given the variety you can get now, with different sized hard drives etc. What next will the next console gen bring? Xbox Two and the Xbox Two +?

It'll happen, and people will complain and slowly they'll realise they've backed the wrong horse. Instead of putting their money into the machine they almost certainly already have in their house, they've found themselves with a machine in a world where exclusivity means you only play a third of all the great games out there.

I've come to accept I won't ever play games like Uncharted, because I have an enormous wealth of other games I could play and play them in myriad setup options.

"Oh but PCs are so complicated and confusing..." - If your head hurts from trying to do a little learning, go outside for a walk and get some fresh air and stop moaning at the internet.


Jan 23, 2009
I moved away from consoles just like most of the posters here but let me tell you this, the grass is not always greener.

We get broken games all the time. I can't even finish the bf4 campaign due to a memory leak issue that has yet to be addressed. That's just one game. The list goes on and on with issues that pc has for gaming.

I play Arma 3 and dayz mainly. Talk about broken. Nobody actually cares about the obscure niche games that some of you praise for not being on console.. And I doubt Xbox one will allow mouse to be used in games... And for the record, when you get used to a controller with the sensitivity maxed out, you can be just as fast as a mouse. Been there done that. It's all what you are used to. The pc gaming community needs to take a step back and get off their hi horse and look at what is going on in our own camp. It's not pretty.
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