Xbox One Most Successful Console Launch in Australia

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Well there is only like 25 million of us unlike the US with like 300 million, so percentages its pretty damn good. I will be getting one, probably next year after a year or so when a lot more exclusives come out like Titan Fall and hopefully a new Halo, I'm quite content to play on my PC at the mo.
@ monsta: The PS4 sold out in a flash because they only sent out 20,000 units...

I'm betting that the Xbox One will outsell PS4 this year in total numbers because they developed a much stronger channel than Sony. They're better able to meet consumer demand, and it will give them another leg up when others see the #'s they're posting compared to Sony. We'll see who wins in the end, but in any case I'm glad there's competition in this market. It makes both offerings better in the long-run.
@teroy32 Titan fall isn't a xbox exclusive, it'll be coming to pc well as the majority of their "exclusives" most likely just like last gen. Better off getting a ps4 if you have a gaming rig.
This is pretty rich considering Microsoft still refuses to release US sales figures like Sony has already done for the PS4. One estimate suggests the PS4 is outselling the Xbone by 66% or more.
A primary reason Xbox is doing so well here in Aus is that the PS4 is sold out and unavailable until 2014 due to limited supply for our region. Because of this, those wanting to get a next gen haven't got much choice but to wait or get the Xbox, and with Christmas around the corner I'm not surprised.

Its kind of like winning by default Microsoft, not really an achievement... I will be happy when you announce controller for PC support though...

I am also willing to bet the other reason is due to supply of the APUs as well. Due to a larger SPU core count, the PS4s APU will have lower yields per wafer since the SRAM on the XB1 is less complicated than a APU GPU is.

Of course we will never know unless AMD releases some official numbers.

If you have a gaming rig, why get a PS4 which is geared towards gaming? Why wouldn't you get a XB1 that is geared towards AiO media entertainment with a superior voice command and tracking system?

I myself wont buy one. If I win one in some contest, sure why not. But I wont shell out $400-$500 for inferior gaming technology when I could spend that on a GPU that will blow it away (R9-290)

The PS4 did have a week advantage on the XB1 plus we wont know until we get official numbers.

Honestly that's not what matters. What matters is when devs start to take advantage of the DX11 x86 based hardware and PC games start to actually utilize hardware that has been around for almost 3 years now.

Finally a HD7970 will start to get pushed in games.
I am a hard core PC gamer. Yeah I have thought about Xbox One but for the price I can build my own media center PC and still have money leftover for other things.

Right now my quad core AMD Phenom II 955 processor is still going strong paired with Radeon HD6950 card. Yeah the card is outdated by today's standards but it still a awesome card for my games.

If you have a gaming rig, why get a PS4 which is geared towards gaming? Why wouldn't you get a XB1 that is geared towards AiO media entertainment with a superior voice command and tracking system?

I myself wont buy one. If I win one in some contest, sure why not. But I wont shell out $400-$500 for inferior gaming technology when I could spend that on a GPU that will blow it away (R9-290)

You make a valid point regarding going towards the one heavier on media. However, his point was pointing out that because most Xbox titles will be available on PC (Due to Microsoft wanting to keep their PC division strong) that if you have a gaming PC, picking up a PS4 would be a good option in order to play its exclusives not available on PC. This way you always have a very broad range of game titles to choose from.
I'm a PC gamer. I wouldn't get Xbox One or PS4. Because both of systems still crap junk compare to PC. Until they have Altera Stratix 10 FPGA and SSD drive, then I will consider to get one.
@jimmysmitty Have you not tried Xbmc on the pc? Better than anything Microsoft or Sony could offer media wise. Yeah the convenience on the x1 is nice but still the content on Xbmc blows it away with plugins like mashup, any movie/ tv show you could want streamed, no fees, provided your internet is dencent you'll have a good experience with it. And i suggested ps4 over the xbox because that's where the exclusives will be, most of the good ones anyway. Sony always brings the exclusives.

Are you aware that the USA's population is 314 million, where Australia's is 23 million.... If you want to talk numbers the percentage of xbox one purchases in relation to population is a fair bit higher than the US. I don't know if you are trying to say that Australia's people are less affluent generally, but if you are you're most wrong. Not starting a "MY Countriess better THAN yours" thing but I wanted to point that out.


sif not use since it lets your gaming rig do all the encoding and streams it directly to your ps3 360 or xb1 (not ps4 since it doesn't have DLNA yet), though what are these exclusives you speak of? uncharted seems to be the only note worthy exclusive on the ps4 and there's no release date while the xb1 gets quantum break next month which looks pretty sweet.

though i have xbmc on my media box and to be honest i don't use it, I just use vlc player or just stream it to my ps3 or xb1.

I wouldn't be so sure quantum break remains exclusive...remember what happened with Alan Wake (same creators of quantum break) it also came to pc.

And sony's exclusives? The last of us, god of war, uncharted, little big planet, infamous, ni no kuni, dead souls, starhawk, heavy rain, ps all stars, grand turismo, the last guardian, the order, resistance, kill zone, damn there's just too many really. Sony is the only one of the big three who constantly puts out new ip's...while still showing love to the old ones. There's so much variety, every genre is covered..not just shooters and racers like Microsoft puts out. Give some of those games a go, I'm sure you'll understand what I mean afterwards. Uncharted is definitely not the only "note worthy" exclusive sony has.

I was meaning for the ps4 if you missed that bit, though the only games i liked on that list is uncharted, last of us, and little big planet. But if were just listing exclusives for last gen the go do some research for the 360 since it has its decent amount of exclusives too.
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