xbox one vs pc gaming

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Mar 13, 2015
Is there a gaming computer build that cost 350$ (Keyboard and mouse needs to be apart of the 350$) or under that price that can outperform an xbox one the xbox one can run bf4 with some low medium and a couple high settings at 60 fps with 64 players. Just curious i dont think its possible though lol
Xbox One will play Fallout 4 and Star Wars Battlefront i.e. with decent fps and graphics details - and to get the same result with a pc, you´d have to get a much stronger gpu than a GTX 740. Thats why 02david´s solution is found wanting.

In short, there is no 350 USD pc gaming rigg that will perform as well as Xbox One currently. But the comparison itself is crap, since its like comparing apple to oranges.

Consoles primary concern is to deliver gaming experiences and even though you may watch movies on them or use them for skype, they are not ideal for stuff like work, school or basic emailing. Any gaming rig will be able perform work, school and email correspondonce at a much better level than consoles. Heck, a simple task like...

I already have a gaming pc i was just asking if it was possible that way i can prove my point to some friends im 99% sure u cant get a deal as good as that for 350$ talking about purely price to performance 😛

And the youtube builds rarely come with a functional KB / Mouse (as in one that will take 3 years of usage)


Uhm, wrong simply wrong.

Both next gen consoles dont even run every game out right now at 1080p or 60fps.

You cannot compare the two, you cant even come close.. Pc gaming is miles ahead

No one can say "PC gaming is miles ahead" because PC gaming ranges from an old system from 1995 that runs Roller Coaster Tycoon to a new $3000 system.

And that Youtube build uses a 6 generation old processor, an older graphics card, used stuff, no keyboard or mouse or $60 controller.

Not a fan of consoles at all but to my view, a $350 PC is just not worth the time and effort. As if their $13 wireless mouse and keyboard is going to last 3 years. I'd be surprised if it lasted 3 months in a living room. Not to mention that PCs are rarely connected to TVs and most often will be paired with a monitor.... and you are building that PC.... you didn't have to build the console so that cost is not exactly apples and apples. Pondering whether I would rather play a game on a $350 PC or a console is akin to asking whether I'd prefer to be poked in the eye with a stick or a pencil. .... both experiences are ones I'd rather avoid.
all consoles now are 350$ therefore its not considered a console killer if it cost more than that someone give me a build for 350$

REMEMBER consoles are extremely well optimized so games run well on the hardware i laugh when a pc elitist says a 500$ pc is a console killer, no its not, would a xbox only gamer want to buy spend an extra 150$ for a pc? no therefore not a console killer

I have seen plenty of videos with a gtx 750 ti (100 dollar card, whole system 300-350) run most titles on ultra/high at 1080. 60fps


Show me these videos. It's also important to note that consoles do have pretty high settings relative to PCs for their lower resolutions.
Keyboard and Mouse
Wireless N UDB Dongle
PSU 80+ 430W
Case MicroATX
Memory 8GB
GPU GT 740
CPU AMD Athlon X4 860K

Total Price Excld. DVD Drive

Inc. DVD Drive
Total Price: $365.18

You could save money on the PSU by buying a cheaper one but this is a reasonably efficient and reliable one. I am assuming that you are currently using a copy of windows that you can reuse. The DVD drive isn't necessary if you are planning on downloading your games. This system should perform at around a similar level to an Xbox.

Do you need some more?
And i disagree with consoles running at relatively high settings, i would call it medium/high at absolute best without even taking into consideration that they are running below 1080p.

Pretty much nearly everything looks worse in comparison videos/actual gameplay when compared against pc's level of detail capabilities

Just youtube "750 ti gaming" there are hundreds of videos.


even though this doesnt include an OS im sure u could arrange it so you could get it for under 360$ with an os, great build! thats the answer i was looking for not 12 year olds fighting about console or pc. PC HAS BETTER HARDWARE if you deny that you are just plain stupid, but console is a extremely well budget gaming system new AAA games mostly at 1080p (PS4) @50-60 fps a even though that build will not be as powerful as an xbox one because of optimization and u cant buy an 8 core 1 GHz CPU lol that runs every game using 6 cores
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