Spexels :
I'm planning to build a gaming pc with a gtx 1070 and i5-7600k, which will come to a total of 1300$, the gtx 1070 can run 4k at about 24 fps, while the Xbox scoripo according to this article is can run 4k at 60 fps, should i just save 900$ and buy the scorpio instead?
article: https://www.gamecrate.com/why-xbox-one-scorpio-matters-even-pc-gamers/15983
The Scorpio will be the first console to have near gaming PC performance. If you want that route you will never regret it and you will enjoy it.
But keep in mind that the Scorpio will be released at the end of the year , and by that time The PC performance will jump again with the next Gen GPU...
so if you want to wait , dont buy the PC now at all and buy it later on when next Gen GPU is released.
so if you want to compare with the Scorpio , compare at its release date not today .
The scorpio will not give you 60 fps 4K gaming , it will give you 30fps on 4k nothing more and the detail setting will be lower than PC setting for sure .
but if you ask me ? it is really cheap for what it can do and it is worth it if you want to save money and you will enjoy gaming on it.
Gaming on Consoles will not slow down because they are made to run on a single hardware and is optimized to do that. unlike the PC , there are more software layers .. that is the same game on xbox will run faster than on PC with the same hardware for the better optimization and direct hardware access .